Bundling external libraries with Raco Distribute

I tried the following:

  • installed gregor using raco pkg install gregor
  • wrote the following program and saved it to a file named "time.rkt":
#lang racket
(require gregor)
(displayln (~t (today) "E, d MMMM y"))
  • created an executable by running raco exe time.rkt. This produced a file named "time.exe" about 16Mb in size
  • created a distribution by running raco dist time-dist time.exe. This produced a folder named "time-dist" containing the time.exe file plus a lib folder. The entire folder size is 48 Mb, since gregor adds in time zone and locale formatting data for all possible time zones and locales.
  • zipped up the entire time-dist folder and moved it to a machine which had no Racket installed
  • ran the time.exe program in a console window and it printed the current date as expected.

So, creating standalone distributions with external packages is certainly possible and it is also possible with the gregor library.
