Ah, yes, hence my question about the locality.
This is ugly, but the idea might be fruitful, i.e., using a syntax-parameter
or similar contrivance to simulate the annotations.
Which is not to say that attributes might not work, but my brain isn't braining that way, right now.
#lang racket
syntax/parse syntax/parse/class/struct-id racket/hash))
(struct A (a b))
(struct B (b))
(define-syntax-parameter ref-types (hash))
(define (the-types) (syntax-parameter-value #'ref-types))
(define (known? id) (hash-has-key? (the-types) id))
(define-syntax-class ref-expr
(pattern [x type]
#:do [(define v (syntax->datum #'x))]
#:fail-when (not (known? v))
(format "incorrect type syntax, unexpected id: ~a" v)
#:do [(define T (syntax->datum #'type))
(define ref-pattern (hash-ref (the-types) v))
(define the-type (car ref-pattern))
(define the-ref (cadr ref-pattern))]
#:fail-when (not (eq? the-type T))
(format "incorrect type syntax, expected type: ~a" T)
#:with ref #`(#,the-ref x))))
(define-syntax (with-refs stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ ([which (type:struct-id get)] ...)
body ...)
#:do [(define instances (syntax->datum #'(get ...)))
(define accessors (syntax->datum #'((type.accessor-id ...) ...)))
(define valid-get? (andmap (lambda (g G) (member g G)) instances accessors))]
#:when valid-get?
#`(syntax-parameterize ([ref-types (#:combine/key (lambda (k a b) b)
. hash-union .
#,(the-types) (hash (~@ 'which '(type get)) ...))])
body ...)]))
(define-syntax (ref stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ x:ref-expr) #'x.ref]))
(with-refs ([x (A A-a)]
[y (A A-b)])
(let ([x (A 'i 'j)])
(ref [x A])
(with-refs ([x (B B-b)])
(let ([x (B 'bb)]) (ref [x B])))))
(let ([y (A 'm 'n)]) (ref [y A]))))
;=> '((i bb) n)
Thanks to @shawnw for showing me the struct-id
syntax class.
Maybe have a look at his with-slots
, now that I think about it...
Edit: this way, you can have shadowing of ref patterns, but I am just messing around.