Racket v8.7 Release Thread

This makes sense. (@jbclements also pointed me to some complications off-list.) If we try to revisit this idea next release, one thing I noticed is that https://github.com/racket/release-catalog/blob/master/scripts/add-tags.rkt currently creates tags using the GitHub API: maybe creating tags locally could keep some benefits but be more flexible? But I also think it might be a better use of effort to just do as @samth suggested elsewhere:

This is useful context, thanks! The fact that "alpha" releases were a different sort of thing than either "pre-release"/"release candidate" or "snapshot" builds currently (both of which are relevant for a fairly short time) reinforces my thinking that we should leave this alone and just document the current state of affairs. If someday someone wants to add new version-related functionality that would be useful in the current context (e.g. warning you if you have a stale release candidate), as you say, they can add a new file or something: that seems better than overloading the meaning of "alpha" anyway.

Sure, I'll try to make a PR soon.

Interesting! To be concrete, are you suggesting that, after tagging the release and updating stable, we should git checkout master && git merge -s ours stable? That seems like a nice enhancement! In addition to showing which branch is "ahead", it would also record where we were in the history of master when we released a given version.