
I totally understand and agree with the motivation!

I can totally do this and if that meets your needs, great.

One scenario I had in mind: Currently analyze-path has an optional #:import-depth argument, defaulting to 0:

;; #:import-depth says how many levels to recur and analyze imported
;; files, too. Reasonable values are 0 (none), 1 (just files directly
;; imported by the analyzed file, on the theory the user might access
;; one of them soon), or a very large integer (all that can be found
;; transitively, up to "opaque" modules like #%core and #%kernel).
;; Other values are legal but of dubious value. The analysis of these
;; imported files takes place on another thread, and does not
;; meaningfully delay returning results for the primary file.

I imagine something like {DrRacket VsCode Emacs} would, when the user opens some new file, want to supply analyze-path an import-depth like 1. Meaning, proactively and analyze/save the immediate imports. That way, if the user eventually opens a requiring file, analyze-path for that is likely "instant". Also, things like jump-to-definition are more likely to jump to a file that's already analyzed, and therefore moving to the exact location within will also be "instant". (Of course a tool could also let the user choose this depth to be 0 or 1 or whatever.)

If DrRacket depends on getting back expanded syntax from analyze-path, it can't/won't for one of those pre/eagerly analyzed files, or any file from the db.

But I guess you're saying if analyze-path were to return (or/c syntax? #f) -- either fully-expanded syntax or false -- it's OK when it returns false, you can just expand yourself. Is that correct?

  1. I pushed some commits for returning expanded syntax when analysis not already in cache; see updated comments for analyze-path about fresh-analysis? and fresh-analysis-expanded-syntax.

  2. Regarding kill-safety: I think it's already OK. If you continue to do the things you already do, wrt making/shutting-down a custodian for the thread on which you call analyze-path, it should be fine IIUC. (The only reason I went with break-thread was so I could disable breaks around a db operation, just to be safe, but the more I think about it that's probably not necessary.) Anyway I'm open to suggestions/changes.

Anyway, I feel like I'm fire-hosing this thread again. Thankfully Discourse lets people mute threads. :face_with_spiral_eyes: If/as/when you want to try using this, maybe you could open a GitHub issue about any problems or design suggestion, so we could discuss over there instead.