Syntax Highlighting in Discourse?

I’ve forked highlight.js and started adding racket identifiers to a copy of scheme.js that I’ve named racket.js

Not uploaded my changes yet because I’m only up to fixnums in the racket reference

Was only planning on identifiers - so it will still break on Racket specific syntax - so if anyone feels like picking something’s racket specific it would be a help.

I feel like handling #lang xxx yyy/zzz would be a sufficient start.

Another option is to use a pastebin that embeds in discourse posts or enhance pasterack to do the same with oEmbed
gives an error in the discourse preview

The GitHub embed above is both an example and a pointer to where I am up to - but I won’t be moving forward on this.

Previous notes:

#lang racket/gui

(define my-language 'English)

(define translations
  #hash([English . "Hello world"]
        [French . "Bonjour le monde"]
        [German . "Hallo Welt"]
        [Greek . "Γειά σου, κόσμε"]
        [Portuguese . "Olá mundo"]
        [Spanish . "Hola mundo"]
        [Thai . "สวัสดีชาวโลก"]))

(define my-hello-world
  (hash-ref translations my-language
            "hello world"))

(message-box "" my-hello-world)
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