First of all, I'm not a professional programmer, but a seaman. Have sailed for more than 40 years, out of which 36 as a captain on LGCs, and VLGCs (Gas Carriers). Now already 4 years retired. Born in Zagreb, Croatia, 70 years ago. Ever since I bought my first "computer", HP 41C programmable calculator (1981), I was into programming. I have learned some 15 different languages, but this was just a temporary, passing knowledge. As in, I would read a text book, write one small program, and then move on to something else.
Real change came when my son (11 at that time, now 38) started learning Logo. As I had always only Linux on my home computers, I found Brian Harvey's UCB Logo. I read his Logo books, and continued with his Simply Scheme book. I switched briefly to Emacs Lisp, just to write Emacs Logo-mode, some 160k of Emacs lisp code. Unfortunately, this has not been maintained last 20 years so it does not work any more, but at its time it worked just as well as any Scheme mode.
After that I read practically all existing Scheme books (SAP, SICP, TSPL, Little, Seasoned, HTDP1, HTDP2, Realm), but as this was mostly 20 years ago, (except for HTDP2, and Realm) I have forgotten almost everything. The reason I'm back is my young (6 years old daughter) who started grade 1 (in Philippines) and I wanted to write a program to help her understand grade 1 math. Finally, after a lot of deliberation, I choose Racket to do it, because it has a built in GUI, and I wanted to write my first real GUI program. And now, 5 months later, program is done, and I'm here, again interested in Scheme.