2 versions of Racket code shared accross network disks


i share on a Dropbox my Racket code between MacOS and Linux (and even i have 2 versions of Racket different) so i got message:

loading code: version mismatch
  expected: "8.13"
  found: "8.14"
  in: /Users/mattei/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/git/Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/main/Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/compiled/main_rkt.zo
  possible solution: running `racket -y`, `raco make`, or `raco setup`

i tested the "possible solution" but that do not worked in my directory

the solution i have is to manually deinstall and reinstall on the working system in the GUI

but is there another solution? (i know i have this problem too with Guile with compiled code)

as racket know the problem which comes from different version why it does not recompile the code itself?