14.5 Impersonators and Chaperones says:
An impersonator cannot be applied to an immutable value or refine the access to an immutable field in an instance of a structure type, since arbitrary redirection of an operation amounts to mutation of the impersonated value.
On the other hand:
> (struct person (name age) #:transparent)
> (define bob (person 'bob 17))
> (define get (impersonate-procedure person-name (λ (v) (values (λ (v) 'tom) v))))
> (get bob)
After a bit of digging around I realized that, as shown above, it's fine to create a random function that impersonates a struct accessor and save it off somewhere, and that (AFAIK) the restriction only applies to impersonators that are attached to the struct directly by way of impersonate-struct
> (impersonate-struct person person-name (λ (self current-val) (displayln "redirected!") current-val))
; impersonate-struct: cannot replace operation for an immutable field
; operation kind: property accessor
; operation procedure: #<procedure:person-name>
Do I have this right?