Articles in scribble

Scribble may render an article at the end of a line (depending of the width of the window),
but in my taste this is ugly. I prefer

This is
an article.


This is an

Is there tool that automatically converts

This an article


This is @nonbreaking{an article}


There is no rule or convention about not having a linebreak after a/an, and hence likely no one has yet made such a facility for Scribble to follow such a rule.

The pollen/unstable/typography module does have an undocumented function nonbreaking-last-space which attempts to implement widow/orphan control by inserting a non-breaking space between the last two words in an X-expression, while being smart about boundaries between contained X-expressions.

I don’t think this function is fully cooked, but it could serve as the basis for something similar in Scribble.

I think it's important that such a tool is in some way explicit (like the Pollen function seems to be). Always having a non-breaking space between the last two words of a sentence may be unwanted in narrow columns, e.g. in margin notes or tables.

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