Command for OS that calls racket etc

I can run a launcher that runs drracket and loads a file.
Trying to setup a launcher that runs Racket, loads a file containing a module and calls the module. Something like following which does not work:
drracket -l file.rkt '(run-my-module)'
racket -l file.rkt '(run-my-module)'

Don Green


#! /usr/bin/env racket

(module yourmodule racket
;; module code here


make it executable:

chmod u+x file.rkt

run it:


but i'm not sure this is what you want....

-l only works for things like x/y/z, e.g. raco/main, and -t necessarily calls the main submodule if it exists. So I think the only option is

racket -e '(require (submod "XYZ.rkt" YOUR-SUBMOD))'


racket -e '(require (submod (file "~/dir/XYZ.rkt") YOUR-SUBMOD))'

For example, this one manually runs the test submodule:

racket -e '(require (submod "mycode.rkt" test))'