I present a comparison of the same algorithm between two languages: Python versus Scheme+, a language based and written in Scheme.
The algorithm is based on fundamental deep learning : a multi-layer neural network simulate 2 boolean functions NOT and XOR and a mathematical function SIN (sinus).
First i present the original Python program and his output, after the Scheme+ version.
Here is the original python code: (note that the code use sometimes some NumPy library features)
file: exo_retropropagationNhidden_layers_matrix_v2.py
# L'algorithme de rétro-propagation du gradient dans un
# réseau de neurones avec N couches cachées.
# D. Mattei
# python3.11 -O exo_retropropagationNhidden_layers_matrix_v2.py
from random import seed, uniform,randint
seed(1789) # si vous voulez avoir les mĂȘmes tirages alĂ©atoires Ă chaque exĂ©cution du fichier !
from math import exp, pow, pi, sin , tanh , atan
from Matrix import Matrix
from time import time
# sigmoĂŻde
def Ï(zÌ):
s = 1/(1+exp(-zÌ))
except OverflowError as e:
# Somehow no exception is caught here...
s = 0
except Exception as e:
return s
# not used
def Ïà €(z):
return Ï(z)*(1-Ï(z))
# not used
def tanhà €(x):
return 1 - tanh(x)**2
def der_tanh(z,zÌ):
return 1 - z**2
def der_Ï(z,zÌ):
return z*(1-z)
def leaky_RELU(zÌ):
return max(0.01*zÌ,zÌ)
def der_leaky_RELU(z,zÌ):
return 1 if z>=0 else 0.01
def RELU(zÌ):
return max(0,zÌ)
def der_RELU(z,zÌ):
return 1 if z>=0 else 0
def swish(zÌ):
return zÌ * Ï(zÌ)
def der_swish(z,zÌ):
return z + Ï(zÌ) * (1 - z)
def der_atan(z,zÌ):
return 1 / (1 + pow(zÌ,2))
class ReseauRetroPropagation():
def __init__(self,nc=[2,3,1], nbiter=3, ηâ=1.0 , #ηâ=0.0001 ,
'''Construit un réseau de neurones avec plusieurs couches cachées. Il y a des entrées (+ biais),
des neurones dans les couches cachées (+ biais) et des neurones en sortie dont les nombres sont définies dans nc.'''
lnc = len(nc) # the total of all layer including input, output and hidden layers
# on crée le tableau des couches du réseau
self.z = [ [0] * n for n in nc ] # les entrées concrÚtes seront fournies avec la méthode accepte
self.zÌ = [ [0] * n for n in nc ] # zÌ[0] is not used as z[0] is x, the initial data
self.á = [ [0] * n for n in nc ] # gradients locaux des neurones cachĂ©s et gradient sur la couche de sortie
# á[0] is useless but keep same index with z
self.nbiter = nbiter
# "learning rate"
self.ηâ = ηâ
#self.ηâ = ηâ
self.error = 0
self.activation_function_hidden_layer = activation_function_hidden_layer
self.activation_function_output_layer = activation_function_output_layer
self.activation_function_hidden_layer_derivative = activation_function_hidden_layer_derivative
self.activation_function_output_layer_derivative = activation_function_output_layer_derivative
# forward propagation
# fusionne accept et propage
# z_* sans le coef. 1 constant pour le bias
def accepte_et_propage(self,x): # on entre des entrées et on les propage
# note: i just reference the variables for code readness (hide all the self keyword)
z = self.z
zÌ = self.zÌ
M = self.M
if len(x) != len(z[0]):
raise ValueError("Mauvais nombre d'entrées !")
#z[0] = x # on ne touche pas au biais
self.z[0] = z[0] = x
# propagation des entrées vers la sortie
n = len(z)
# hidden layers
for i in range(n-2) :
# calcul des stimuli reçus par la couche cachée d'indice i+1 à -partir de la précedente
# create a list with 1 in front for the bias coefficient
z_1 = [1] + z[i]
zÌ[i+1] = M[i] * z_1 # zÌ = matrix * iterable (list here) , return a list
# calcul des réponses des neurones cachés
#z[i+1] = list(map(Ï,zÌ))
#z[i+1] = list(map(tanh,zÌ))
z[i+1] = list(map(self.activation_function_hidden_layer,zÌ[i+1]))
# update the variable when necessary
self.z[i+1] = z[i+1]
self.zÌ[i+1] = zÌ[i+1]
# output layer
i = i + 1
# calcul des stimuli reçus par la couche cachée d'indice i+1 à -partir de la précedente
# create a list with 1 in front for the bias coefficient
z_1 = [1] + z[i]
zÌ[i+1] = M[i] * z_1 # zÌ = matrix * iterable (list here)
# calcul des réponses des neurones de la couche de sortie
z[i+1] = list(map(self.activation_function_output_layer,zÌ[i+1]))
# update the variable when necessary
self.z[i+1] = z[i+1]
self.zÌ[i+1] = zÌ[i+1]
#print("accepte_et_propage : self.z[i+1] ="); print(self.z[i+1])
#return self.z[i+1] # et retour des sorties
def print_matrix_elements(self,M):
for e in M:
# not used
def η(self,n):
ηâ = self.ηâ
N = self.nbiter
# if n < N/3:
# return ((0.1 - ηâ) / (N/3)) * n + ηâ
# else:
# return 1/10**(1+int(((n-N/3)/(N-N/3))*10))
return ηâ/10**(int((n/N)*10))
def apprentissage(self,Lexemples): # apprentissage des poids par une liste d'exemples
nbiter = self.nbiter
ip = 0 # numéro de l'exemple courant
# TODO: take in account the error as stop point
for it in range(nbiter): # le nombre d'itérations est fixé !
error = 0.0 # l'erreur totale pour cet exemple
(x,y) = Lexemples[ip] # un nouvel exemple Ă apprendre
self.accepte_et_propage(x) # sorties obtenues sur l'exemple courant, self.z_k et z_j sont mis Ă jour
# note: i just use local reference for the variables for code readness (hide all the self keyword)
z = self.z
zÌ = self.zÌ
i = i_output_layer = len(z) - 1 # start at index i of the ouput layer
á = self.á
ns = len(z[i])
# TEMPS 1. calcul des gradients locaux sur la couche k de sortie (les erreurs commises)
for k in range(ns):
á[i][k] = y[k] - z[i][k] # gradient sur un neurone de sortie (erreur locale)
error += pow(á[i][k],2) # l'erreur quadratique totale
error *= 0.5
if it == nbiter-1 : self.error = error # mémorisation de l'erreur totale à la derniÚre itération
# modification des poids de la matrice de transition de la derniére couche de neurones cachés à la couche de sortie
M = self.M # read/write data
# because i dislike self keyword in my mathematical expressions i recopy the variables
η = self.ηâ
#η = self.η(it)
# (test fait: modifier la matrice apres le calcul du gradient de la couche j (maintenant i-1) , conclusion: ne change pas la convergence de l'algo)
ázâłázÌ = self.activation_function_output_layer_derivative
# TEMPS 2. calcul des gradients locaux sur les couches cachées (rétro-propagation), sauf pour le bias constant
ázâłázÌ = self.activation_function_hidden_layer_derivative
for i in reversed(range(1,i_output_layer)) :
nc = len(z[i])
ns = len(z[i+1])
for j in range(nc):
á[i][j] = sum(ázâłázÌ(z[i+1][k],zÌ[i+1][k]) * M[i][k][j+1] * á[i+1][k] for k in range(ns))
# modification des poids de la matrice de transition de la couche i-1 Ă i
# et l'on passe Ă l'exemple suivant
#ip = (ip + 1) % len(Lexemples) # parcours des exemples en ordre circulaire
ip = randint(0,len(Lexemples) - 1)
# modify coefficients layer
def modification_des_poids(self,M_i_o,η,z_input,z_output,zÌ_output,á_i_o,ázâłázÌ): # derivative of activation function of the layer
# the length of output and input layer with coeff. used for bias update
(len_layer_output, len_layer_input_plus1forBias) = M_i_o.dim()
len_layer_input = len_layer_input_plus1forBias - 1
for j in range(len_layer_output): # line
for i in range(len_layer_input): # column , parcours les colonnes de la ligne sauf le bias
M_i_o[j][i+1] -= -η * z_input[i] * ázâłázÌ(z_output[j],zÌ_output[j]) * á_i_o[j]
# and update the bias
M_i_o[j][0] -= -η * 1.0 * ázâłázÌ(z_output[j],zÌ_output[j]) * á_i_o[j]
def test(self,Lexemples):
print('Test des exemples :')
error = 0
for (entree,sortie_attendue) in Lexemples:
print(entree,'-->',self.z[len(self.z)-1],': on attendait',sortie_attendue)
á = sortie_attendue[0] - self.z[len(self.z)-1][0] # erreur sur un element
error += pow(á,2) # l'erreur quadratique totale
error *= 0.5
print("Error on examples=") ; print(error)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('################## NOT ##################')
r1 = ReseauRetroPropagation([1,2,1],50000,10,Ï,Ï,der_Ï,der_Ï)
Lexemples1 = [[[1],[0]],[[0],[1]]]
START = time() ; r1.apprentissage(Lexemples1) ; END = time()
print('APPRENTISSAGE sur {} itérations, time = {:.2f}s'.format(r1.nbiter,END-START))
print("Error=") ; print(r1.error)
print('################## XOR ##################')
# 2 entrées (+ bias), 1 neurone en sortie
r2 = ReseauRetroPropagation([2,3,1],250000,10,Ï,Ï,der_Ï,der_Ï)
#r2 = ReseauRetroPropagation([2,3,1],50000,1,0.001,Ï,Ï,der_Ï,der_Ï)
#r2 = ReseauRetroPropagation([2,8,10,7,1],50000,0.1,0.001,Ï,Ï,der_Ï,der_Ï)
Lexemples2 = [[[1,0],[1]], [[0,0],[0]], [[0,1],[1]], [[1,1],[0]]]
START = time() ; r2.apprentissage(Lexemples2) ; END = time()
print('APPRENTISSAGE sur {} itérations, time = {:.2f}s'.format(r2.nbiter,END-START))
print("Error=") ; print(r2.error)
print('################## SINUS ##################')
#r3 = ReseauRetroPropagation([1,30,30,30,1],50000,0.1,tanh,tanh,der_tanh,der_tanh)
#r3 = ReseauRetroPropagation([1,30,30,30,1],50000,0.01,atan,tanh,der_atan,der_tanh)
#r3 = ReseauRetroPropagation([1,70,70,1],50000,0.01,tanh,tanh,der_tanh,der_tanh)
r3 = ReseauRetroPropagation([1,70,70,1],50000,0.01,atan,tanh,der_atan,der_tanh)
Llearning = [ [[x],[sin(x)]] for x in [ uniform(-pi,pi) for n in range(10000)] ]
Ltest = [ [[x],[sin(x)]] for x in [ uniform(-pi/2,pi/2) for n in range(10)] ]
START = time() ; r3.apprentissage(Llearning) ; END = time()
print('APPRENTISSAGE sur {} itérations, time = {:.2f}s'.format(r3.nbiter,END-START))
print("Error=") ; print(r3.error)
the Python output
(some output and comments in code has been truncated due to limit of 32000 characters in Discourse )
(base) mattei@mbp-touch-bar AI_Deep_Learning % python3.11 -O exo_retropropagationNhidden_layers_matrix_v2.py
################## NOT ##################
Test des exemples :
[1] --> [0.00148701369562664] : on attendait [0]
[0] --> [0.9984886736566694] : on attendait [1]
Error on examples=
APPRENTISSAGE sur 50000 itérations, time = 1.20s
################## XOR ##################
APPRENTISSAGE sur 250000 itérations, time = 7.02s
Test des exemples :
[1, 0] --> [0.998285295446957] : on attendait [1]
[0, 0] --> [0.00038355618841602525] : on attendait [0]
[0, 1] --> [0.9982994366618798] : on attendait [1]
[1, 1] --> [0.0021330419170872326] : on attendait [0]
Error on examples=
################## SINUS ##################
APPRENTISSAGE sur 50000 itérations, time = 180.41s
Test des exemples :
[0.620848536169476] --> [0.5858217567721616] : on attendait [0.5817255565858611]
[0.5984362064181683] --> [0.5695010014480877] : on attendait [0.56335112898119]
[-0.13101865345613994] --> [-0.09942646583350077] : on attendait [-0.1306441331372787]
[0.30838292152563485] --> [0.3049571823968051] : on attendait [0.30351824014297935]
[0.3328861098219065] --> [0.3295845699745558] : on attendait [0.32677205712564156]
[0.03856460805884221] --> [0.04942242189696839] : on attendait [0.03855504970243054]
[-1.2545793545012092] --> [-0.9579666772778113] : on attendait [-0.9504186368706252]
[-0.8538799411228164] --> [-0.7419741117640238] : on attendait [-0.7538354396044733]
[-0.8818313716845816] --> [-0.7579757059169164] : on attendait [-0.7719044463122184]
[0.7045792110501594] --> [0.645393392206271] : on attendait [0.6477132944484959]
Error on examples=
Now here is the Scheme+ version: (note that the code include some syntax specific to Racket class system of external flomat library)
file : exo_retropropagationNhidden_layers_matrix_v2+.rkt
#lang reader "../Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/main/Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/SRFI/SRFI-105.rkt" ; SRFI-105 Curly-infix-expressions
; Deep Learning : back propagation, gradient descent, neural network with N hidden layers
; L'algorithme de rétro-propagation du gradient dans un
; réseau de neurones avec N couches cachées.
; D. Mattei
; MacOS users : use MacVim to show ALL the characters of this file (not Emacs, not Aquamacs)
;; jeu de couleurs: Torte ou Koehler
;; use in command line:
;; (base) mattei@pc-mattei:~/Dropbox/git/AI_Deep_Learning$ racket
;; Welcome to Racket v8.6 [cs].
;; > (require "exo_retropropagationNhidden_layers_matrix_v2+.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require srfi/42) ; Eager Comprehensions
(require "matrix.rkt")
(include "../Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/main/Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/Scheme+.rkt")
(require "../Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/main/Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/overload.rkt")
(include "../Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/main/Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/assignment.rkt") ; all sort of assignment with <-
(include "../Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/main/Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/apply-square-brackets.rkt") ; all sort of indexing with []
; first stage overloading
(define-overload-existing-operator +)
(define-overload-existing-operator *)
(define-overload-procedure uniform)
; to take in account the new overloaded operators scheme-infix.rkt must be included
; after the overloading first stage definition of operators
(include "../Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/main/Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/scheme-infix.rkt")
; second stage overloading
(overload-existing-operator + vector-append (vector? vector?))
(overload-existing-operator * multiply-flomat-vector (flomat? vector?))
;; return a number in ]-1,1[
;; the dummy parameter is needed by a flomat procedure
(define (uniform-dummy dummy) {(random) * (if {(random 2) = 0} 1 -1)}); we randomly choose the sign of the random number
; return a random number between [inf, sup]
(define (uniform-interval inf sup)
{gap <+ {sup - inf}}
{inf + gap * (random)})
(overload-procedure uniform uniform-dummy (number?))
(overload-procedure uniform uniform-interval (number? number?))
; sigmoĂŻde
(define (Ï zÌ)
{1 / {1 + (exp (- zÌ))}})
; some derivatives
(define (der_tanh z zÌ)
{1 - z ** 2})
(define (der_Ï z zÌ)
{z * {1 - z}})
(define (der_atan z zÌ)
{1 / {1 + zÌ ** 2}})
#| this is a Scheme multi line comment,
but will it works with Scheme+ parser?
;> (for ([x (reversed (in-range 0 3))]) (display x) (newline) )
(define-syntax reversed ; same as Python : reversed(range(0,3))
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (name end)) (begin
(unless (equal? (quote in-range) (quote name))
(error "first argument is not in-range:" (quote name)))
(in-range {end - 1} -1 -1)))
((_ (name start end)) (begin
(unless (equal? (quote in-range) (quote name))
(error "first argument is not in-range:" (quote name)))
(in-range {end - 1} {start - 1} -1)))))
; (make-object ReseauRetroPropagation)
; (define net (new ReseauRetroPropagation (nc #(1 2 3 4))))
; (get-field z net)
; '#(#(0) #(0 0) #(0 0 0) #(0 0 0 0))
(define ReseauRetroPropagation
(class object%
; this is the initialisation parameters
(init-field (nc #(2 3 1)) ;; on crée le tableau des couches du réseau
(nbiter 10000)
(ηâ 1.0)
(activation_function_hidden_layer tanh)
(activation_function_output_layer tanh)
(activation_function_hidden_layer_derivative der_tanh)
(activation_function_output_layer_derivative der_tanh))
{lnc <+ (vector-length nc)}
; les entrées concrÚtes seront fournies avec la méthode accepte
;; (field (z (vector-ec (: i (vector-length nc)) (make-vector {nc[i]} 0))))
(field (z (vector-ec (:vector lg nc)
(make-vector lg 0))))
;; (field (z (for/vector ([lg nc])
;; (make-vector lg 0))))
(display "z=") (display z) (newline)
; zÌ[0] is not used as z[0] is x, the initial data
(field (zÌ (vector-ec (:vector lg nc)
(make-vector lg 0))))
(display "zÌ=") (display zÌ) (newline)
(define-pointwise-unary uniform) ;; flomat library feature
{M <+ (vector-ec (: n {lnc - 1}) ; vectors by eager comprehension (SRFI 42)
(.uniform! (zeros {nc[n + 1]} {nc[n] + 1})))} ;; flomat Matrix
(display "M=") (display M) (newline)
(field (á (for/vector ([lg nc])
(make-vector lg 0))))
(display "á=") (display á) (newline)
(display "nbiter=") (display nbiter) (newline)
(field (error 0))
; forward propagation
; z_* sans le coef. 1 constant pour le bias
(define (accepte_et_propage x) ; on entre des entrées et on les propage
(when {vector-length(x) â vector-length(z[0])}
(display "Mauvais nombre d'entrées !") (newline)
(exit #f))
{z[0] <- x} ; on ne touche pas au biais
;; propagation des entrées vers la sortie
{n <+ vector-length(z)}
;(display "n=") (display n) (newline)
;; hidden layers
(declare z_1)
(declare i) ; because the variable will be used outside the 'for' loop too
;(for-racket ([i (in-range {n - 2})]) ; warning : in Racket the variable 'i'
; is only seen inside the 'for-racket' but i need it ouside too
(for ({i <- 0} {i < n - 2} {i <- i + 1}) ; personnal 'for' definition as in Javascript,C,C++,Java
;; calcul des stimuli reçus par la couche cachée d'indice i+1 à -partir de la précedente
;; create an array with 1 in front for the bias coefficient
{z_1 <- #(1) + z[i]} ; + operator has been overloaded to append scheme vectors
{zÌ[i + 1] <- M[i] * z_1} ; zÌ = matrix * vector , return a vector
;(display "zÌ[i + 1] = ") (display {zÌ[i + 1]}) (newline)
{z[i + 1] <- vector-map(activation_function_hidden_layer zÌ[i + 1])}
;(display "z[i + 1] = ") (display {z[i + 1]}) (newline)
) ; end for
; output layer
;{i <- i + 1} ; was used with for-racket
;(display "i=") (display i) (newline)
; calcul des stimuli reçus par la couche cachée d'indice i+1 à -partir de la précedente
; create a list with 1 in front for the bias coefficient
{z_1 <- #(1) + z[i]}
{zÌ[i + 1] <- M[i] * z_1} ; zÌ = matrix * vector , return a vector
; calcul des réponses des neurones de la couche de sortie
{z[i + 1] <- vector-map(activation_function_output_layer zÌ[i + 1])}
;(display "z[i + 1] = ") (display {z[i + 1]}) (newline)
) ; end define/public
(define/public (apprentissage Lexemples) ; apprentissage des poids par une liste d'exemples
{ip <+ 0} ; numéro de l'exemple courant
(declare x y)
(for-racket ([it (in-range nbiter)]) ; le nombre d'itérations est fixé !
(when {it % 100 = 0}
(display it)(newline))
;(display it)(newline)
{err <+ 0.0} ; l'erreur totale pour cet exemple
{(x y) <- Lexemples[ip]} ; un nouvel exemple Ă apprendre
(accepte_et_propage x) ; sorties obtenues sur l'exemple courant, self.z_k et z_j sont mis Ă jour
{i <+ i_output_layer <+ {vector-length(z) - 1}} ; start at index i of the ouput layer
{ns <+ vector-length(z[i])}
;; TEMPS 1. calcul des gradients locaux sur la couche k de sortie (les erreurs commises)
(for-racket ([k (in-range ns)])
{á[i][k] <- y[k] - z[i][k]} ; gradient sur un neurone de sortie (erreur locale)
{err <- err + á[i][k] ** 2}) ; l'erreur quadratique totale
{err <- err * 0.5}
(when {it = nbiter - 1}
{error <- err}) ; mémorisation de l'erreur totale à la derniÚre itération
;; modification des poids de la matrice de transition de la derniére couche de neurones cachés à la couche de sortie
{ázâłázÌ <+ activation_function_output_layer_derivative}
{modification_des_poids(M[i - 1] ηâ z[i - 1] z[i] zÌ[i] á[i] ázâłázÌ)}
;; TEMPS 2. calcul des gradients locaux sur les couches cachées (rétro-propagation), sauf pour le bias constant
{ázâłázÌ <- activation_function_hidden_layer_derivative}
(for-racket ([i (reversed (in-range 1 i_output_layer))])
{nc <+ vector-length(z[i])}
{ns <+ vector-length(z[i + 1])}
(for-racket ([j (in-range nc)])
{k <+ 0}
{á[i][j] <- (for/sum ([k (in-range ns)])
{ázâłázÌ(z[i + 1][k] zÌ[i + 1][k]) * M[i][k {j + 1}] * á[i + 1][k]})})
; modification des poids de la matrice de transition de la couche i-1 Ă i
{modification_des_poids(M[i - 1] ηâ z[i - 1] z[i] zÌ[i] á[i] ázâłázÌ)})
; et l'on passe Ă l'exemple suivant
{ip <- random(vector-length(Lexemples))}
) ; end for it
) ; end define/public
; modify coefficients layer
(define (modification_des_poids M_i_o η z_input z_output zÌ_output á_i_o ázâłázÌ) ; derivative of activation function of the layer
; the length of output and input layer with coeff. used for bias update
{(len_layer_output len_layer_input_plus1forBias) <+ (dim M_i_o)} ; use values and define-values to create bindings
{len_layer_input <+ {len_layer_input_plus1forBias - 1}}
(for-racket ([j (in-range len_layer_output)]) ; line
(for-racket ([i (in-range len_layer_input)]) ; column , parcours les colonnes de la ligne sauf le bias
{M_i_o[j {i + 1}] <- M_i_o[j {i + 1}] - {(- η) * z_input[i] * ázâłázÌ(z_output[j] zÌ_output[j]) * á_i_o[j]}})
; and update the bias
{M_i_o[j 0] <- M_i_o[j 0] - {(- η) * 1.0 * ázâłázÌ(z_output[j] zÌ_output[j]) * á_i_o[j]}}))
(define/public (test Lexemples)
(display "Test des exemples :") (newline)
{err <+ 0}
(declare entree sortie_attendue á)
(for-racket ([entree-sortie_attendue Lexemples])
{(entree sortie_attendue) <- entree-sortie_attendue} ; use pairs in Scheme instead of tuples and vectors in Python
(accepte_et_propage entree)
(printf "~a --> ~a : on attendait ~a" entree {z[vector-length(z) - 1]} sortie_attendue) (newline)
{á <- sortie_attendue[0] - z[vector-length(z) - 1][0]} ; erreur sur un element
{error <- error + á ** 2}) ; l'erreur quadratique totale
{err <- err * 0.5}
(display "Error on examples=") (display error) (newline))
) ; end class
) ; end define
(printf "################## NOT ##################")
{r1 <+ (new ReseauRetroPropagation (nc #(1 2 1))
(nbiter 50000)
(ηâ 10)
(activation_function_hidden_layer Ï)
(activation_function_output_layer Ï)
(activation_function_hidden_layer_derivative der_Ï)
(activation_function_output_layer_derivative der_Ï))}
{Lexemples1 <+ #((#(1) . #(0)) (#(0) . #(1)))} ; use pairs in Scheme instead of vectors in Python
(send r1 apprentissage Lexemples1)
(send r1 test Lexemples1)
(printf "################## XOR ##################")
{r2 <+ (new ReseauRetroPropagation (nc #(2 3 1))
(nbiter 250000)
(ηâ 10)
(activation_function_hidden_layer Ï)
(activation_function_output_layer Ï)
(activation_function_hidden_layer_derivative der_Ï)
(activation_function_output_layer_derivative der_Ï))}
{Lexemples2 <+ #( (#(1 0) . #(1)) (#(0 0) . #(0)) (#(0 1) . #(1)) (#(1 1) . #(0)))} ; use pairs in Scheme instead of vectors in Python
(send r2 apprentissage Lexemples2)
(send r2 test Lexemples2)
(printf "################## SINUS ##################")
{r3 <+ (new ReseauRetroPropagation (nc #(1 70 70 1))
(nbiter 50000)
(ηâ 0.01)
(activation_function_hidden_layer atan)
(activation_function_output_layer tanh)
(activation_function_hidden_layer_derivative der_atan)
(activation_function_output_layer_derivative der_tanh))}
{Llearning <+ (vector-ec (:list x (list-ec (: n 10000)
(uniform (- pi) pi)))
(cons (vector x) (vector (sin x)))) ; vectors by eager comprehension (SRFI 42)
} ; use pairs in Scheme instead of vectors in Python
{Ltest <+ (vector-ec (:list x (list-ec (: n 10)
(uniform {(- pi) / 2} {pi / 2})))
(cons (vector x) (vector (sin x)))) ; vectors by eager comprehension (SRFI 42)
} ; use pairs in Scheme instead of vectors in Python
(send r3 apprentissage Llearning)
(send r3 test Ltest)
and the output of code:
Welcome to DrRacket, version 8.6 [cs].
Language: reader "../Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/main/Scheme-PLUS-for-Racket/SRFI/SRFI-105.rkt", with debugging; memory limit: 14000 MB.
################## NOT ##################
z=#(#(0) #(0 0) #(0))
zÌ=#(#(0) #(0 0) #(0))
M=#((flomat: ((0.7191038484623657 0.5220062447658971) (0.8590859714173438 0.7678423821253739))) (flomat: ((-0.3449301854114697 0.24027850827619662 0.4877697409726927))))
á=#(#(0) #(0 0) #(0))
(object:ReseauRetroPropagation ...)
'#((#(1) . #(0)) (#(0) . #(1)))
Test des exemples :
#(1) --> #(0.0020417819126145073) : on attendait #(0)
#(0) --> #(0.9977152849624217) : on attendait #(1)
Error on examples=1.1473766485056049e-5
################## XOR ##################
z=#(#(0 0) #(0 0 0) #(0))
zÌ=#(#(0 0) #(0 0 0) #(0))
M=#((flomat: ((0.870364658310043 -0.5300068995546167 0.9612426066162211) (0.4040654569504818 -0.5246283863956818 -0.5314425643393894) (-0.053038296297184574 -0.3547420573389037 0.3417644829226221))) (flomat: ((0.13672253732529652 -0.8094594372360882 -0.301966023354077 -0.18825622046303328))))
á=#(#(0 0) #(0 0 0) #(0))
(object:ReseauRetroPropagation ...)
'#((#(1 0) . #(1)) (#(0 0) . #(0)) (#(0 1) . #(1)) (#(1 1) . #(0)))
Test des exemples :
#(1 0) --> #(0.9982945690274773) : on attendait #(1)
#(0 0) --> #(0.00023046719114048114) : on attendait #(0)
#(0 1) --> #(0.9982757352419109) : on attendait #(1)
#(1 1) --> #(0.0021066729886745233) : on attendait #(0)
Error on examples=1.2592594532243627e-5
################## SINUS ##################
z=#(#(0) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) #(0))
zÌ=#(#(0) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) #(0))
M=#((flomat 70 2 ...) (flomat 70 71 ...) (flomat: ((-0.5860193953597999 -0.765712813071037 0.5842271019982261 0.54199322749269
0.8050058713278784 -0.4197467256587276 -0.9132786122993454 0.34333903957496403))))
á=#(#(0) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) #(0))
(object:ReseauRetroPropagation ...)
'#((#(-1.0289303409522037) . #(-0.8567478182100667))
(#(0.2537482835913112) . #(0.25103397131710614))
Test des exemples :
#(-0.703235483801749) --> #(-0.6733414643985518) : on attendait #(-0.6466889454810666)
#(1.3565912350169103) --> #(0.9751223006885534) : on attendait #(0.9771456771484469)
#(0.09227900071669493) --> #(0.07708815030306242) : on attendait #(0.0921480908180361)
#(0.4646445353940236) --> #(0.44552382224073234) : on attendait #(0.4481050511914433)
#(0.08622560706397664) --> #(0.07184379406533917) : on attendait #(0.08611880095729915)
#(1.2390914317654804) --> #(0.955626830482106) : on attendait #(0.9454885095328692)
#(0.08937877865035615) --> #(0.07456514227139113) : on attendait #(0.08925982479403971)
#(0.10344509142135827) --> #(0.0869960812142322) : on attendait #(0.10326069773652688)
#(0.34818977723209565) --> #(0.34910583332135947) : on attendait #(0.3411967726899541)
#(-0.08702153621045006) --> #(-0.08846634804100845) : on attendait #(-0.08691174576549757)
Error on examples=0.0020535693465753386
i also have a custom matrix (do not use flomat) version , file : exo_retropropagationNhidden_layers_matrix_v2_by_vectors+.rkt
All example source code are available here:
Scheme+ is available here: