Could u provide your opinions on the racket language
1.Educational Value
2.Simple and consistent syntax
3.Promotes Language-Oriented Programming
4.Robust Standard Library
5.Strong Support for Functional Programming
1.Horrible interactive Experience
...Just talk about it a little i need a kick start to do my Project >:
It's on Racket language. A detailed research talking about it. I don't have any previous experience.. We need to submit a extensive research talking abt it and talk and it during our lecture to the prof
I'm assuming our usual practice of "we'll help, but we won't do homework for you" applies to Discourse, too?
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Sadly yes they want us to do the extensive research and we will be graded accordingly
I think probably the best way to start would be to get a small amount of experience actually using the language. Perhaps you should download DrRacket and spend a few hours working through ?
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