Once I have a pointer to a memory block from the ffi (allocated in a shared memory space), is there a way to turn it into a standard racket flvector? I see there's a flvector->cpointer, but not the converse.
The idea was to re-use all my functions defined for flvectors without having to duplicate the work and change all the flvector-ref, etc. while still making it work also for flvectors.
Also, _f64vector uses _double*, which is slower than _double AFAIR.
A possible solution:
Instead of trying to make my-shared-flvector behave like flvector, I can do exactly the converse since I can obtain the cpointer from flvector.
I still need to modify my functions to work with my-shared-flvector, but at least it will work seamlessly for standard flvectors too.
Can this defeat some compiler optimizations though?