I love being able to customize the color scheme of DrRacket.
I am partial to the Dracula scheme which can be installed from the packages list, with some slight modifications, because I really like the dracula-orange and dracula-green, which do not feature very heavily in the scheme by default:
As you can see, below, this makes artefacts like splicing operators stand out, nicely, and when I am using at-exp mode, the orange is delightful--almost reminds me of those gorgeous monochrome CRT screens with the orange or green hues.
but i rarely use Racket editor directly,only for a few lines of code, i prefer Emacs or the Mac OS version of VI with the Torte color set.
In emacs it is easy to configure a custom color set ,at least for having a less aggressive background than white color, not amber but light yellow in background.(see screenshot)
I also want to use gvim , a graphical version of Vi for linux but gvim unfortunately does not display well the subscript character i use and some greek letters, for example: ηₛ and ᐁ ,they display as ? char so i can not use gvim for editing all my codes under linux.(See the screenshot below) I'am searching the solution? if someone who use gvim knows. But it works with vim in terminal (but vi in terminal is not enough modern to be used). See my dual monitor screenshot , i display Emacs top with ηₛ and ᐁ displaying well, gvim below with bad character display and vi in terminal (top right) where character are ok.
Too bad it does not works in gvim because i likes the available colors set and scheme mode, i tried a lot of police/font selection without finding one good for subscript and all the greek letters.
That's sick, man! Almost thought it was a screenshot of Fallout
I really like your setup, thanks for sharing this. Makes me miss our first home computer.
I have not found a nice monospace font which displays subscripts and special symbols the way I would like, either. Quite a fan of terminus but it suffers from this problem.
I have resigned to using JetBrains Mono of late. Not perfect, but mostly complete.
Arranging text inside of parentheses is awesome and all, but it's a crying shame I can't press "Run" on my sheet of paper. I know jupyter is a thing: I don't yet see the matrix when writing TeX, though. Just imagine...
I wonder why all the monochrome home computer CRTs back then were green or amber,
whereas monochrome televisions were white on dark.
ChatGPT has a plausible explanation.
The green (P1) and amber (P3) phosphors used in computer CRTs had qualities that made them ideal for text readability. Green phosphor, in particular, had a high level of persistence, meaning the image lingered longer on the screen, reducing flicker and eye strain. Amber screens, introduced later, were seen as less harsh than green, which helped reduce fatigue during prolonged use.
I was interested in the second bit. I thought everyone knew green and orange were for eyestrain.
I do wonder why most night mode modes are white on black, not green or orange on black…is it because I assumed wrong and most people don’t know that green or orange reduce eyestrain?
There is also the Quickscript colorscheme2package by Andre Alves Garcia
It can be installed as part of the quickscript-competition-2020 package: In DrRacket, in File>Package manager>Source, and enter quickscript-competition-2020. or with raco pkg install quickscript-competition-2020, then click Scripts>Manage scripts>Reload menu
When I started sitting in front of a computer monitor 6+ hours a day, I had a green on black monitor. Soon I realized that after long periods in front of the monitor, the white chalk on the blackboard in my office looked pink.
I didn't think that was so good, so I got an amber on black monitor---the problem went away.
if i try to spent many hours at home in front of a screen, our cat, at some point will jump on the desktop and try to walk on the keyboard to have his plate of kibbles filled again forcing me to leave the computer.
being more serious and with or without cat this can help:
With guifont=VictorMono-Regular:h12,SourceCodePro-Regular:h12,Menlo-Regular:h12, I can make "ηₛ and ᐁ" appear in MacVim. They also appear in terminal Vim (my terminal uses Victor Mono also). Perhaps your Linux text-rendering stack has some issue? I can't say.
more seriously i had the same problem with Gnome and the Ubuntu system has been just installed last summer, but after your message i decided to dive in reinstalling vi , because also i believed there was some snap issue preventing vi to access all the fonts and i do not know the real cause but i can not load any font name you give or others. I try even to recompile vim from source but cannot find the source code of gvim ,in last i deinstalled vim and reinstalled it approximatively like that: