Description of Racket Distribution for download and package repo pages?

Oops I meant to ask for feedback on the description of minimal racket based on @alexh ’s feedback?

Thanks @sschwarzer

I’ve put this on the Racket Wiki as follows:

Racket Distribution

Suggested description of Racket Distribution when distributed via another repository.

The Racket distribution includes an incremental native-code compiler, several languages like Racket, Typed Racket and Datalog, as well as the DrRacket IDE. There are also documentation and tools for designing, implementing, documenting and distributing Racket applications and custom languages.

Please check you are using the current distribution at Contact the maintainer not current.

The distribution is suitable for new learners, application development, or language design and implementation.

If you are new to Racket please see Getting Started in the documentation.

RacketScript - the Racket language implementation that compiles to Javascript - is available from GitHub - racketscript/racketscript: Racket to JavaScript Compiler

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Now on the Racket Wiki:

Distribution description for maintainers hosting Racket distributions in package respositories:

It is expected these can be updated. Thank you all for your help, especially @alexh and @sschwarzer . Any errors are mine.


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in case you missed it, I've made a pull request

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Thank you - looks good.

Racket 8.8 will get released early Feb so the timing is good.

It would be good to put the badges on Installing Racket · racket/racket Wiki · GitHub too.

Thanks @capfredf :racket_heart:

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