Does glob ever return strings? If not, should we update the docs?

I've only been able to observe glob from file/glob returning paths, but it is documented as returning a (listof path-string?). Are there actually cases where it returns strings? A few quick experiments indicate it only returns path values (which is fine by me, since I'd like to sort the results and use them as paths, so having a uniform result type makes that easier). I couldn't follow the underlying code with just a few minutes of study, so I figured I'd ask here instead.

Although I didn't study it exhaustively, and could easily be wrong, I think it uses values coming from in-directory, whose contract says path-string?. So that's probably why file/glob should also use path-string?.


Glancing at in-directory source, it uses a locally defined function dir-list:

  (define (dir-list full-d d acc)
    (for/fold ([acc acc]) ([f (in-list (reverse (sort (directory-list full-d) path<?)))])
	      (cons (build-path d f) acc)))

Those values come from a directory-list function defined #%kernel; I can't quickly view its definition. But notice how dir-list is sort-ing the values with path<?. That would fail unless all path? items -- can't be path-string?.

So: It seems to me that if the contract and doc for file/glob ought to change, then so should those for in-directory. That latter's doc already talks about sorting using path<?, so it kind of implies the contract could be path? instead of path-string?.

Also: It's not entirely clear to me, but I think the relevant contract might be path-for-some-system? -- not path? ???

p.s. I've always found path-string? confusing. It actually behaves like "path-or-path-string?":

  (define-values (path-string?)
    (lambda (s)
      (or (path? s) 
          (and (string? s)
               (or (relative-path? s)
                   (absolute-path? s))))))

Clean sheet of paper, it would probably be clearer to have all of:

  • path? i.e. a path struct, not a string
  • path-string? new meaning: string that is an absolute or relative path
  • path-or-path-string? i.e. what today's path-string? means
  • The little conversions that everyone seems to write: path-or-path-string->path and path-or-path-string->path-string?.

But naming is hard and backward compatible naming is harder.

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@greghendershott In glob: clarify that only path values are returned by benknoble · Pull Request #5047 · racket/racket · GitHub I've added you as a coauthor for your help using the author information that seems most recently associated with you, but GitHub doesn't connect it to your GitHub account. Let me know if I should try something different.

  1. Thank you but no need to co-author me on the commit.

  2. Request: Could you please delete the portion of the post above which shows my email addresses?

(I realize anyone can get these using git tools/repos. But I don't like leaving these around on web sites like this, where web scrapers can slurp for spam. Web sites like GitHub and obscure email addresses, so same spirit please?)

(And no worries. I'm not upset. Just my preference. Thanks!!)

Done! (Turns out it was a typo, anyway, which I’ll also fix elsewhere when I get back to my computer.)

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