I’m reading EoPL and I’m stuck in the 1.36 exercise.
Write a procedure g such that number-elements from page 23 could be defined as:
(define number-elements
(lambda (lst)
(if (null? lst) ’()
(g (list 0 (car lst))
(number-elements (cdr lst))))))
(number-elements ‘(a b c d))
=> ‘((0 a) (1 b) (2 c) (3 d))
I really can't figure out how to solve this problem. I tried with an imperative approach but it didn’t work.
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I'm not reading this book but I think I've found a solution.
> (define (g r l)
(cons r (map (lambda (e) (list (add1 (car e)) (cadr e))) l)))
> (define number-elements
(lambda (lst)
(if (null? lst) '()
(g (list 0 (car lst))
(number-elements (cdr lst))))))
> (number-elements '(a b c d a))
'((0 a) (1 b) (2 c) (3 d) (4 a))
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I would take an equational approach: what must be true of (g (list 0 (car lst)) (number-elements (cdr lst)))
when lst
is '(a)
? What about '(a b)
or '(a b c)
? Now generalize to (cons x xs)
. You'll have to expand definitions; for '(a)
, perhaps something like this
(number-elements '(a))
= (g (list 0 'a)
(number-elements '()))
= (g '(0 a) '())
= ???
= '((0 a))
and for '(a b)
(number-elements '(a b))
= (g (list 0 'a)
(number-elements '(b)))
= (g '(0 a)
(g '(0 b) '()))
= ???
= '((0 a) (1 b))
That last example makes g
look an awful lot like a cons
operator that also does some counting/addition, doesn't it? Try again with 3 elements, and then see if you can generalize. You're looking for equations about g
that have to be true, and then you can build an implementation that satisfies those requirements (if you have to guess at an implementation, it's a good idea to prove to yourself that it meets all the equational requirements). Don't forget the order of evaluation: in the last example, (g '(0 b) '())
is evaluated before the outer call to g
I have put together an explanation of how to go about solving this kind of problem. I wrote it as a literate program, and had hope to make it more readable, but GitHub is not displaying the Scribble output properly. You can find the Scribble source in raw form at eopl-1.36.scrbl.
Copy and paste the Scribble code into DrRacket, and click on "Scribble HTML" to generate the documentation. Click on "Run" to run the program.
[GitHub is eliminating the chunk names. If anyone is interested in exploring why GitHub doesn't like the Scribble output, let me know.]
For the impatient, here is the code of my solution. You can read the Scribble if you want to understand how I developed it.
#lang racket
(define number-elements
(lambda (lst)
(if (null? lst)
(g (list 0 (car lst))
(number-elements (cdr lst))))))
(define g
(lambda (first numbered-elements)
(cons first (map (lambda (elt)
(cons (add1 (car elt)) (cdr elt)))
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(number-elements '(a b c d))
'((0 a) (1 b) (2 c) (3 d))
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