Error report: in handling values arity

Minimal example:

#lang racket

(define (f x y)
  (values x y))

(define a (f 1 2)) ; error - as opposed to e.g. (define-values (a b) (f 1 2))

At least in Dr Racket, the error message lacks the usual "X" link to the source location.

result arity mismatch;
 expected number of values not received
  expected: 1
  received: 2

Version 8.14 [cs].

Daniel Prager via Racket Discourse writes:

(define a (f 1 2)) ; error - as opposed to e.g. (define-values (a b) (f 1 2))

If understand correctly, you think this should not be an error. I
suspect that things are working as intended, but maybe it helps us
collectively to understand the issue if you explain what value a should
get if this is not an error.


#lang racket/base

(define a (values 1 2))

This program provokes the same error:

result arity mismatch;
 expected number of values not received
  expected: 1
  received: 2

In DrRacket the red cross (the "X") is missing, i.e. the error doesn't have a source location.

FWIW the expansion is:

(module anonymous-module racket/base
    (module configure-runtime '#%kernel 
       (#%require racket/runtime-config) 
       (configure #f)) 
    (define a (values 1 2))))

If understand correctly, you think this should not be an error.

No, I agree that it is an error.

In this instance the error location is not reported.

As I wrote in the initial error report:

At least in Dr Racket, the error message lacks the usual "X" link to the source location.
