Everyone is welcome to join us for the Racket/Con ONLINE meet-up: Saturday, 5 October, 2024 at 9:45am RacketCon (Seattle) time

Everyone is welcome to join us on Jitsi Meet for the Racket meet-up: Saturday, 5 October, 2024 at 9:45am RacketCon (Seattle) time - we will also meet at the usual 18:00 UTC time.

In your timezone: 2024-10-05T16:45:00Z. (converter)

At this meet-up:

This meet-up will be held at https://meet.jit.si/Racketmeet-up

Racket meet-ups are on the first Saturday of EVERY Month at 18:00 UTC

30 minutes but can overrun (it usually lasts ~1hr)


Stephen :beetle:

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Everyone is welcome to join us for the Racket/Con online meet-up: Saturday, 5 October, 2024 at 16:45 UTC - we will also meet at the usual 18:00 UTC time. 

Announcement at https://racket.discourse.group/t/everyone-is-welcome-to-join-us-for-the-racket-con-online-meet-up-saturday-5-october-2024-at-9-45am-racketcon-seattle-time/3199


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Is this combined with or separate from the RacketCon?

It is combined and scheduled to correspond with the first break in the programme!:teapot:

We can and do have Racketeers joining from RacketCon, but it is not practical to stream the meet-up to the RacketCon auditorium.

Hope you can join us :grin:


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