Handin grading without using server?

Basically, I've got a bunch of students submitting assignments, so I get a .zip file from Moodle with a bunch of folders, each of which has one .rkt file.

I've seen that the handin server has really nice tools for defining test suites/checkers for grading student assignments.

I'm wondering if there's a way to use the grading facilities locally, without using the server part of the handin tool? Once I've defined a checker, is there a way to pass it a Racket file directly and have it generate a grading report?

I'll send you the tool that I use for grading. It's a GUI that looks something like DrRacket. There's a list of student submissions on the left, and selecting a submission shows the code starts running tests so you can see the output. So, probably not quite what you had in mind, but maybe useful.

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Can you open source it?

In case this is useful: I have in the past used the handin server locally; specifically, I've started a handin server running on my own machine, and then used scripts that make local connections to the handin-server, run the tests, then copy the results back to a given directory. Let me know if you have any interest in seeing this code.