Harness for mutation testing

Is there are harness to streamline some of the setup of mutation testing (using mutate) for a package? This seems like it could be a neat raco command...

Tagging: @CharlieRay668 @jbclements @llazarek


Yes, possibly. I think the hardest part of this would likely be choosing which mutations to apply; my understanding is that this is currently one of those mostly-guesswork practices.

As a start, I can certainly (check with Charlie and then probably) open-source the code that he wrote, which drives lukas lazarek's mutate library.


Yeah I figured the harness that Charlie used was using hardwired mutations, but it could be a good starting point. If a raco tool was made choosing mutations from command line (or some other input) would probably be needed.

Lukas’s framework enables people to write their own mutators; Charlie did add some new ones.