How do you specify student languages from VSCode/Vim/Emacs/etc?


How do you specify student languages from VSCode/Vim/Emacs/etc?

Is #lang htdp/bsl correct for beginners student language?

What #lang preamble specifies the other teaching languages you would normally specify via the 'choose language' dialog in DrRacket?

Best regards

In Racket Mode for Emacs the only way is #lang. #lang htdp/bsl works; I'm not sure about the others.

There have been a few bugs (now fixed) and one that was reported recently (not yet). I've grouped the issues with a label.

The theme seems to be they may use somewhat different mechanisms/assumptions for things like images or test modules.

Also because I don't use the student languages they don't benefit from an eat-your-own-dog-food fast-path.

#lang htdp/bsl+
#lang htdp/isl
#lang htdp/is+l
#lang htdp/asl

The question is whether images, the test-result (failure), and signature report works well in plain Emacs.
Please try and report back.

(The German ones have similar #lang-s associated with them.)

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Although I won't have time to do that myself in the near future, I agree that looks like a good matrix of things for someone to try, and I'll look into any resulting bug reports.

Greg Hendershott via Racket Discourse writes:

Although I won't have time to do that myself in the near future, I
agree that looks like a good matrix of things for someone to try, and
I'll look into any resulting bug reports.

I'm using teaching languages in emacs racket-mode this term and I would
be happy to help fill in such a matrix incrementally. I could just keep
track on my own wiki, or if there was a central place to make notes that
would be fine also.


VS Code with Magic Racket should handle the static analysis portion of the student languages just fine. You specify the #lang to use them, just like any other language.

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@bremner Thank you! Whatever is most convenient for you, is fine for me. I don't want to bounce a task to you. I hope it's a small add-on to activity you'll do anyway, and, you get back fixes for things you want to work.

@EmEf I'm already spending so much time on Racket related work. Pushing to finally merge my long-running hash-lang branch. Interleaved with working on a multi-file check-syntax db (for use by Emacs, Dr Racket, and other tools, as discussed with @robby). Interleaved with reported bugs from people trying to get work done.

So although I respect the idea of proactively seeking problems in things that people might not even be trying to use, when you try to task me, I don't have a FIFO free. If/when @bremner discovers through the course of their work any new issues using various student langs, I will definitely look into those, then.

@greghendershott You must have misunderstood my post. I didn't direct any requests at you. @bremmer uses Emacs mode instead of DrRacket for teaching so I think it is @bremner's obligation to explore and report -- just as you said.

Now I'm guessing you use the email interface to Discourse?

And, you had CC-d @bremner -- or even TO-d them and CC-d Discourse?

Those would be super clear signals... that Discourse doesn't show in the web UX.

TL;DR: No worries.