I am trying to use sxpath
to query sxml that has a default namespace. For example, the atom feed for the Racket YouTube channel.
Unfortunately, the xml has a default namespace (last row).
...which ssax:xml->sxml
applies to produce nodes like this:
(*PI* xml "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"")
(http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom:name "Racket")
Suppose that I am trying to retrieve the author's name. Without the default namespace, the xpath would be "/feed/author/name". However, given the namespace, it is more cumbersome
In order to use sxpath
I need to provide the namespaces. With the named namespaces (yt
and media
) this is easy. However, how do I provide the default namespace?
((sxpath "/feed/author/name" '((? . <default-url>))) sxml-string)
Also, thank you to everyone who contributed to the sxml library. I prefer working with it over the standard xml library, particularly because it doesn't drag in all of the whitespace pcdata from the formatting indentations and because sxpath
allows for the use of xpath, which is much more concise than se-path.