If we read
a string like "\()"
, we will get
read: unknown escape sequence `\(` in string
can we change this behavior?
If we read
a string like "\()"
, we will get
read: unknown escape sequence `\(` in string
can we change this behavior?
I think you can use a custom readtable to make this possible, but so far I had no reason to do so, so I don't have practical details in that area, have a look at:
17.2.2 Readtables (Guide)
13.7.1 Readtables (Reference)
1.3.1 Delimiters and Dispatch (Default Read Table)
After some works, here is an example for escaping "\$"
as "$"
since "$expr"
produces (format "~a" expr)
(define (action c in src line col pos)
(define (conv src in)
(define args '())
(define s
(let loop ([l '()])
(define c (peek-char in))
[(eof-object? c) l]
[(char=? c #\") (read-char in) l]
[(char=? c #\$) (read-char in)
(set! args (append args (list (read-syntax src in))))
(loop (append l (list #\~ #\a)))]
[(char=? c #\\) (read-char in)
[(char=? (peek-char in) #\$)
(loop (append l (list (read-char in))))]
[else (loop (append l (list #\\ c)))])]
[else (read-char in)
(loop (append l (list c)))])))
(if (= (length args) 0)
(list->string s)
(with-syntax ([fmt (list->string s)]
[(arg ...) args])
(syntax/loc (srcloc src line col pos #f)
(format fmt arg ...)))))
(conv src in))