"libintl.9.dylib cannot be verified" error with MacOS executable

I have an application that I am cross-compiling binaries for. The MacOS binary is giving this error:

Full details at macOS suspicious of libintl.9.dylib · Issue #2 · jjsimpso/molasses · GitHub. I cross compiled this with Racket 8.3. An earlier version I made did run on a Mac system, but I haven't been able to re-test on that same system.

Anything I can do about this without going through Apple's official channels?

EDIT: I was able to re-test on a Mac running MacOS Mojave and it lets me run it if I Ctrl-click and select Open. This OS is about 3 versions back from the latest, so I expect this report is from a current version of Mac OS.

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After unpacking on the target system, does xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine molasses-0.6.4 (in the directory containing the unpacked molasses-0.6.4) change anything?

Also, although this is probably not the issue, beware of unpacking on top of a previous copy. Explicitly delete an old version before installing to the same place.

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Yes, that does appear to fix the issue. I assume this is something I can avoid if I sign the executable myself. I'll have to look into that. Thank you for your help!