Making my function more elegant

I'm making a function that calculates whether or not a number is valid. Specifically whether or not an Australian Tax File Number (TFN) is valid (see Clearwater Software for an explanation of what's happening).

Now the TFNs I am receiving are mostly in text format. So I'm getting a string to begin with. In order to perform the maths, I have to cast the string to its individual digits and then map that with a list. I then perform the calculations upon the list of numbers and return a result.

That I as follows:

(define (validate-tfn candidate)
  (define tfn-regex (pregexp "(\\d{3})\\s?(\\d{3})\\s?(\\d{3})"))
  (define magic-weights '(1 4 3 7 5 8 6 9 10))
  (if (regexp-match tfn-regex candidate)
        (foldr + 0 (map * magic-weights
                        (map string->number
                             (map string
                                   (foldr string-append ""
                                          (cdr (regexp-match tfn-regex candidate)))))))) 11))

(module+ test
  (test-case "returns #t for a valid AU TFN"
    (check-true (validate-tfn "123456782")))
  (test-case "returns #f for an invalid AU TFN"
    (check-false (validate-tfn "123456789"))))

Which feels a bit unwieldy. So I'm looking for suggestions to make the code more elegant.

For instance:

  • Can I get the value of string->list to be little strings and not chars?
  • Use something other than the cdr of the regexp-match to get the string with no spaces?

I'm sure there are other things I haven't thought of so I'm keen to explore.

Thanks in advance.

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Without having looked at the details yet, you could use compose to simplify the nested map calls.

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Also, you can apply + to multiple arguments:

> (+ 1 2 3 4)

so you can get rid of the foldr + 0 ....

Edit: Since you have a list of numbers, you'd need (apply + ...).


I would write this:

(define tfn-regex (pregexp "(\\d{3})\\s?(\\d{3})\\s?(\\d{3})"))
(define magic-weights '(1 4 3 7 5 8 6 9 10))
(define 0-code (char->integer #\0))

(define (validate-tfn candidate)
  (match candidate
    [(pregexp tfn-regex (cons _ (app string-append* s)))
     (zero? (remainder
             (for/sum ([c (in-string s)]
                       [w (in-list magic-weights)])
               (* (- (char->integer c) 0-code) w))
    [_ #f]))

(module+ test
  (test-case "returns #t for a valid AU TFN"
    (check-true (validate-tfn "123456782")))
  (test-case "returns #f for an invalid AU TFN"
    (check-false (validate-tfn "123456789"))))


  • Avoid using string-append in a loop (foldr in this case). Each string-append requires a new allocation of the entire string. It’s better to gather all the strings that you want to append, and then string-append* once, which will allocate only once.
  • You should store the result of (regexp-match tfn-regex candidate) so that you don’t need to compute it several times.

Here's a variant of sorawee's solution, but using cond:

#lang racket

(define tfn-regex (pregexp "(\\d{3})\\s?(\\d{3})\\s?(\\d{3})"))
(define magic-weights '(1 4 3 7 5 8 6 9 10))
(define 0-code (char->integer #\0))
(define (char->digit char)
  (- (char->integer char) 0-code))

(define (valid-tfn? candidate)
  (define match-result (regexp-match tfn-regex candidate))
     (define digit-string (string-append* (cdr match-result)))
     (zero? (remainder
             (for/sum ([c (in-string digit-string)]
                       [w (in-list magic-weights)])
               (* (char->digit c) w))
    [else #f]))

(module+ test
  (require rackunit)

  (test-case "returns #t for a valid AU TFN"
    (check-true (valid-tfn? "123456782")))
  (test-case "returns #f for an invalid AU TFN"
    (check-false (valid-tfn? "123456789"))))
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You could also collapse down your conditionals and clarify the main-line logic by pushing infrastructure out of the body:

#lang racket

(define tfn-regex (pregexp "(\\d{3})\\s?(\\d{3})\\s?(\\d{3})"))
(define magic-weights '(1 4 3 7 5 8 6 9 10))
(define 0-code (char->integer #\0))

(define (char->digit char)
  (- (char->integer char) 0-code))

(define (valid-tfn? candidate)
  (match (regexp-match tfn-regex candidate)
    [#f #f]
    [(list _  a b c)
     (zero? (remainder
             (for/sum ([c (in-list (map char->digit (string->list (string-append a b c))))]
		               [w (in-list magic-weights)])
	       (* c w))

(module+ test
  (require rackunit)

  (test-case "returns #t for a valid AU TFN"
    (check-true (valid-tfn? "123456782")))

  (test-case "returns #f for an invalid AU TFN"
    (check-false (valid-tfn? "123456789"))))
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These are interesting. These are generally designed so common typing errors like transpositions and off by one errors result in an invalid number

Here is mine for UK NHS numbers

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Quick thought: You could simplify things a bit by using match instead of let+cond. Also, there was a missing require -- you were using racket/base but you didn't include racket/list, so the last function wasn't available to valid-nhs-number?.

#lang racket/base
(require racket/list racket/match)
; nhs number validator                                                                         
;; 10 digits                                                                                   
;; last is check digit                                                                         
(provide calculate-nhs-number-check-digit

(define nums '(10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2))
(define (calculate-nhs-number-check-digit list-of-digits)
  (match (- 11 (modulo (foldl (λ (a b r) (+ r (* a b))) 0 list-of-digits nums)
    [11  0]
    [10 #f]
    [c   c]))

(define (valid-nhs-number? list-of-digits)
  (and (last list-of-digits)
       (= (calculate-nhs-number-check-digit (take list-of-digits 9))
	      (last list-of-digits))))

(valid-nhs-number? '(6 2 5 7 6 0 0 4 1 3))  ; #t                                               
(valid-nhs-number? '(4 8 5 7 7 7 3 4 5 6))  ; #f                                               

Also, what is the and in valid-nhs-number? there for? It's checking that the last element in the digits list is not #f, and then it's checking that digit against the result of the calculation, but the calculation is based on only the first 9 digits of the list so the comparison might not make sense.


@robertpostill I focused so much on the checksum processing, that it occurred only later to me that there seem to be two problems with the regular expression:

  • It's not anchored with ^ and $, so it matches "abc123456782xyz". More subtly, it'll match "1234567890" (ten digits, matching the first nine) or "1234567 890" (ten digits, matching the last nine).
  • It matches any whitespace, so it matches "123\t456\n782"

So my suggestion would be

(define tfn-regex (pregexp "^(\\d{3}) ?(\\d{3}) ?(\\d{3})$"))

In case you deliberately used \s to also match non-breaking space, thin space and so on, it get's more tricky. It'll depend on where your data is coming from and what you want to allow.

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My attempt:

#lang racket/base

(define (validate-tfn candidate)
  (define tfn-regex
    (pregexp "^(\\d)(\\d)(\\d) ?(\\d)(\\d)(\\d) ?(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)$"))
    [(regexp-match tfn-regex candidate)
     => (λ (matches)
          (define sum
            (for/sum ([digit (cdr matches)]
                      [weight '(1 4 3 7 5 8 6 9 10)])
              (* weight (string->number digit))))
          (zero? (remainder sum 11)))]
    [else #f]))

(module+ test
  (require rackunit)
  (test-case "returns #t for a valid AU TFN"
             (check-true (validate-tfn "123456782")))
  (test-case "returns #f for an invalid AU TFN"
             (check-false (validate-tfn "123456789"))))

Wow, I just wanted to thank everyone for their efforts here. This is exactly the feedback I wanted. Like seeing the match version vs the cond version for example is really helpful. The for/sum form was also very interesting and I'll be looking at that.

I appreciated the performance tips too.