Match a procedure


how can i match against a procedure,example:

(match (list container index1-or-keyword
       ((list c /)  "something with /")
       ((list c p) "else")

it will put index1-or-keyword in / and that not what i want, i just want it to check that index1-or-keyword is /

if i quote index1-or-keyword and / it will match but if i have an expression in index1-or-keyword it will not be evaluated and cause error after in code.


Use ==.

(match (list container index1-or-keyword)
  [(list c (== /))  "something with /"]
  [(list c _) "else"])

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thank you ,it works in my code:

(match (list container index1-or-keyword index2-or-keyword)
	      ((list c (== /) (== /)) (displayln "T[/ /]"))
	      ((list c i1 (== /)) (displayln "T[i1 /]"))
	      ((list c (== /) i2) (displayln "T[/ i2]"))
	      ((list c i1 i2) (let ((value expr)) ;; to avoid compute it twice
				;; normal case
				(if (vector? c)
				    (function-array-n-dim-set! c value (reverse (list i1 i2))) ;;(array-n-dim-set! array value i1 i2)
				    (array-set! c i1 i2 value))

i try to find something equivalent to Guile now...


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