Horrible message formatting
does anyone know a fix?
Well, this is what it says: Type here. Use Markdown, BBCode, or HTML to format. Drag or paste images.
I used plain Markdown (as that's what I use for informal notes all the time). Didn't catch that Discourse didn't render the paragraphs properly and kept the original line-breaks. Maybe the instructions are meant to be interpreted as: Use inline Markdown formatting such as emphasis? But then the item list got rendered correctly - which confuses me even more...
There was debate but I gave up before I got to the end of the topic
My guess is that checking this box would anger more people than it pleased. At a minimum, I guarantee a lot of questions from people who are sad that their paragraph break disappeared.
0 voters
NB: this is not a "binding" poll, I'm just curious to see how the poll tool works.