(I'm still a little embarrassed about my newbie question earlier, but nowadays I only focus on Racket and don't mix with other Lisps, except for Emacs Lisp occasionally. I still do newbie mistakes, but not very often that one. :-)).
I really like Racket, mostly for its extensive support of a lot of nice packages, e.g. math and Gamble. Perhaps my style is not the purest style, since I tend to prefer for loops over recursion for traditional loop stuff.
Here is my Racket page: My Racket page .
The programs are also at my GitHub repo: hakank/racket at master · hakank/hakank · GitHub (I try to keep this as updated as possible, but there might be some lag).
The page includes:
The first 50 Project Euler problems (https://projecteuler.net/ )
Whenever I start learning a programming languages, this is one of the first things I do.
Happily Racket's math packages includes a lot of nifty and fast functions which makes this one of the fastest runs, about 2.7s solving time for all problems. (See My Project Euler page for comparison with my other Project Euler programs. ) -
And then the Gamble probabilistic programming package, what a great tool!
I know it's discontinued but it's so great to work with. The page contains about 380 different models, mostly small probability problems (since that is what I like to do with PPLs). Many of these are ports from my WebPPL models (My WebPPL page), and there are still about 100 models not ported yet.
Some examples:
- the gamble_utils file: http://hakank.org/racket/gamble_utils.rkt
- some probability distributions, often including PDF, CDF, quantiles, and mean (and there's still more to come): http://hakank.org/racket/gamble_distributions.rkt
- test of the distributions: http://hakank.org/racket/gamble_distributions_test.rkt
Working with Gamble is so fun so I have not yet explored the Racket language in full, so that is on my TODO list, as well as checking out some other interesting packages such as racklog, minikanren, csp, Rosette,
By the way, I'm a (retired) Swedish software developer. Nowadays I'm an Independent Researcher, mostly in Constraint Programming, logic programming, and Prolog. Here's my site: http://hakank.org/ .