New reaction emoji :plusone:

We have added a new emoji and reaction :plusone:

It was made with pict and the r16 trick-bot because I doesn’t have access to my laptop

!rkt eval

(require pict file/convertible racket/draw)

(text (cons 'bold  "Verdana") 60)
       (colorize "red")
       (scale-to-fit 60 0 #:mode 'preserve/max)
  (convert 'png-bytes)
  (make-attachment "plus1.png" 'image/png))


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cool but where is it ? i cannot display it . I use firefox under linux.

Here is what I see:

I think it might just not be a reaction; it is visible under the general emoji.



yes :slightly_smiling_face: (indeed i had visually searched it but not found and not used the search emoticon engine...)

:plusone: named...........(20 char limit....)

Ok that’s weird. Not working for me either:
Seems to be configured. Let me try again

I changed the chat reactions set

Should work now. Give me a :plusone: to test



Post must be 20 characters...

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