This problem has really stumped me. I don't understand the correct method to build a simple Prolog rule in Racklog, for example, pairing two people up by company:
% Prolog (runs in SWISH)
company(art ,apple).
company(bob ,apple).
company(cy ,ibm).
company(deb ,ibm).
company(ed ,microsoft).
company(fay ,ibm).
company_pair(X, Y) :- % make sure the two people aren't the same person, but from the same company
company(X, Z), company(Y, W), (Z = W, \+(X = Y)).
company_pair(art, N). %returns ben
company_pair(M, N). %returns art/ben ben/art cy/deb cy/fay ...etc.
So far, this is what I have gotten in Racket:
#lang racket/base
(require racklog)
(define %company
(%rel ()
[('art 'apple)]
[('bob 'apple)]
[('cy 'ibm)]
[('deb 'ibm)]
[('ed 'microsoft)]
[('fay 'ibm)]
(define %company_pair
(%rel (x y)
[(x y
(%let (comp)
(%and (%company x comp)
(%company y comp)
(%not (%== x y)))))
(%which () (%company_pair 'art 'bob))
;returns #f, it should return true as art and bob both work for apple
;some hardcoded trials below
(let ([x 'bob])
(%which (y)
(%let (comp)
(%and (%company x comp)
(%company y comp)
(%not (%== x y))))))
;returns '((y . art)) correctly
(%which ()
(%let (comp)
(%and (%company 'art comp)
(%company 'bob comp)
(%not (%== 'art 'bob)))))
;returns '() correctly as all conditions are met
(%which (Y)
(%let (comp)
(%and (%company 'deb comp)
(%company Y comp))))
;returns '((Y . cy)) correctly
As you can see, I can get it to work, but not as a %rel
or predicate or function. Maybe this is just a silly mistake like a ()
in the wrong place, but I can't see it. I've looked through the Racklog docs and I couldn't find anything about designing %rel
s similar to this.