i can not find a way to use all the feature of plot library in R6RS because i can not pass all the options. : is forbiden in R6RS and so #:something too
for example, this works:
(library (test-plot)
(rnrs base (6))
(rnrs syntax-case (6))
(only (rnrs io simple (6)) display newline)
(only (racket math) pi)
) ; end import
;; display { } as they are.
;;(print-mpair-curly-braces #f)
(display (plot (function sin (- pi) pi )))
) ; end module
but not this:
(library (test-plot)
(rnrs base (6))
(rnrs syntax-case (6))
(only (rnrs io simple (6)) display newline)
(only (racket math) pi)
) ; end import
;; display { } as they are.
;;(print-mpair-curly-braces #f)
(display (plot (function sin (- pi) pi #:label "y = sin(x)")))
) ; end REPL module
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Language: r6rs, with debugging; memory limit: 8192 MB.
. . illegal character after `#' in input: `:'
Interactions disabled.
i tried using Head patterns :
but i again blocked...
is there a way to pass the optional arguments of plot in R6RS?
One way to make this work would be to build a macro that translates name:
to #:name
in function application.
Here is one way you could do it: Keyword bridge for R6RS · GitHub
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seems perfect (yet not tested because i'm asking about install) but (yet another different and general question) , i understand the main source is in kw.rkt (other file is R6RS example) how can i install it with the package manager ? is it possible to install this single file or should i put an info.rkt file with all the stuff that goes inside....
i now know how to install it but i really have a problem with the linux version of racket , on Mac OS it run well, under linux the GUI of package manager make it crash, perheaps it is my new system, i do not know , i recorded a video of probleme,even if it brings no solution or clues :
it works... i got the daisies
in R6RS, even with plot and mutable lists, i will make it a main example for the release of Scheme+ R6RS version for Racket soon :
;; multichrome plot
(define-kwish kw-points points) ;; R6RS does not allow #:something keywords, this creates a new function
(define plt
(mlist->list ; in R6RS we must convert list from mutable to immutable ones to use with Racket library
(map (lambda (point)
(kw-points ;(points
(mlist->list (list point))
;;#:alpha 0.4
;; R6RS does not allow #:something keywords
;;#:sym 'fullcircle1
;;#:color (compute-rgb-color-from-hsv point max-norm-x-y) ;; change the color of a point according to its co-ordinate
;; we use as replacement
sym: 'fullcircle1
color: (compute-rgb-color-from-hsv point max-norm-x-y) ;; change the color of a point according to its co-ordinate