Racket handin with structures types

anyone here work with racket handin-server?

(define-struct box [size angle])
(@test "tock#1" "err: our speeds are:  GROWTH: 1, ROTATION-SPEED: 4" (tock (make-box 4 6)) (make-box 5 10) 1)

so for checking structure def problems i get this error:

Test: tock#1
your code failed a test: (tock (make-box 4 6)) evaluated to '(box 5 10 false), expecting '(box ...)

No idea where the false is coming from. It's not from the client side tock function:

(define (tock bx) 
    (make-box (+ (box-size bx) GROWTH-SPEED)
              (+ (box-angle bx) ROTATION-SPEED)))

samth said to replace the answer check (make-box 5 10) with ((submission-eval) '(make-box 5 10))
while removing grader side struct defs
(@test "tock#1" "err: our speeds are: GROWTH: 1, ROTATION-SPEED: 4" (tock (make-box 4 6)) ((submission-eval) '(make-box 5 10)) 1)