The Racket Survey is intended to better understand the needs of Racket users and the broader Racket community.
Shortened version: https://forms.gle/EYuzG4Jp9X5bqoHQ9
While we will be posting this widely, we would appreciate if you would share this survey to anyone who may not have seen this announcement:
Racket Survey 2024
If you have used Racket, or you are considering using Racket,
please help us by completing this survey:
Best regards,

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I am the administrator of the survey:
Administration of this survey
Please note your responses and any provided contact details will be visible to the administrator of this survey: Stephen De Gabrielle (spdegabrielle@gmail.com)
You can contact the administrator of the survey if you decide to withdraw your responses.
To clarify, no personally identifiable details will be shared without the permission of the participant.
Due to the nature of the questions, the Safety and wellbeing section has an additional preamble.
Please contact me, publicly or privately, if you have any questions or concerns.
Best regards,

The survey will close soon.
Thank you to everyone who participated.
Racket Survey 2024 is now closed.
If you are interested in the results see the Racket Survey results thread at
You need to be logged in to view the topic on Racket Discourse. You can use this invite to join the Racket Discourse: https://racket.discourse.group/invites/QvVrJaRWwU
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