Racket v8.13 is now available

We are pleased to announce Racket v8.13 is now available from https://download.racket-lang.org/.

Command-line raco setup, package update, and package installation use terminal control (when available) to show what they are working on more compactly and with a progress bar.
Terminal control in raco commands

As of this release:

  • The racket/treelist and racket/mutable-treelist libraries provide
    list-like containers that support many operations in effectively
    constant time, including appending and extracting sub-lists without
    mutating the given list. Treelists are implemented as RRB Vectors,
    invented by Stucki, Riompf, Ureche, and Bagwell. (see 4.16 Treelists
    and RRB vector: a practical general purpose immutable sequence, ICFP 2015)

  • The hash-filter-keys and hash-filter-values functions allow users
    to filter hashes using a predicate on either keys or values. (see 4.15 Hash Tables:hash-filter-keys, hash-filter-values)

  • The vector-extend and vector*-extend functions provide a way
    to pre-populate the prefix of a newly allocated vector using the elements
    of an existing vector. (see 4.12 Vectors:vector-extend)

  • Command-line raco setup, package update, and package installation use
    terminal control (when available) to show what they are working on
    more compactly and with a progress bar.

  • Racket v8.13 uses Unicode 15.1 for character and string operations.

  • Machine-specific cross-module optimization allows improved support for
    static generation of foreign-function bindings.

  • The scribble/acmart language uses v2.01, which avoids errors
    concerning the hyperref package in some latex installations.

Thank you

The following people contributed to this release:

Alec Mills, Ben Greenman, Bob Burger, Bogdan Popa, dr-neptune, Fred Fu, Gustavo Massaccesi, Jason Hemann, Jay McCarthy, John Clements, Jordan Johnson, Justin Dhillon, Mao Yifu, Matias Eyzaguirre, Matthew Flatt, Matthias Felleisen, Mike Sperber, olopierpa, Oscar Waddell, Pavel Panchekha, Philip McGrath, Robby Findler, Sam Phillips, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Siddhartha Kasivajhula, Sorawee Porncharoenwase, Stephen De Gabrielle, Tim Standen, William E. Byrd, and Wing Hei Chan.

Racket is a community developed open source project and we welcome new contributors. See the racket/README.md to learn how you can be a part of this amazing project.

Feedback Welcome

Questions and discussion welcome at the Racket community Discourse or Discord

Please share

If you can - please help get the word out to users and platform specific repo packagers

Racket - the Language-Oriented Programming Language - version 8.13 is now available from https://download.racket-lang.org

See https://blog.racket-lang.org/2024/05/racket-v8-13.html for the release announcement and highlights.

I’ve updated the racket snap to have both the 1.13 channel, as well as updated the “latest” channel to 1.13.

Separately, the snap package has crossed 1K active users world-wide.


Thanks @zyga

And thank you to the others who have helped make the 8.13 release in the respective repositories so quickly



Obligatory reminder: