RFC: Inter-signature dependencies in `racket/unit`

I have just opened a GitHub issue on the main Racket repository containing a proposed significant extension to racket/unit. The short summary is that I am proposing adding support for signatures to import other signatures directly, primarily to allow their bindings to be used in contracted clauses. You can read the full proposal here:

I have generally gotten the sense that units are not used at all by most Racketeers, so I do not expect a great outpouring of discussion on this issue. However, if you do use units, I would much appreciate if you could weigh in on the GitHub issue thread. Even minor comments would be helpful.

I did have an idea of signatures being able to hide exports, or have exports that are only visible to the contracts of other exports, which I believe would solve the issues that I've been having. It's not ideal compared to the full re-working that you've proposed, but it does also seem much easier to possibly implement.

P.S. Sorry for reviving a year old topic :wink: