Scheduling the next Racket Meet-up in January 2022

Two questions regarding the scheduling of the next Racket meet-up.

New Year’s Day might be difficult for some people, or it might be fine with everyone. I don’t want to make assumptions please let us know, either with this poll, or in the replies.

Which day for next meet-up?

  • 1 January
  • 8 January
  • Other day? (Specify in replies)

0 voters

Second question arises because 8pm UTC is quite late in some time zones;

**What time for the next meet-up? **

  • 6pm UTC (two hours earlier)
  • 7pm UTC (one hour earlier)
  • Run distinct meet-ups for European and American timezones?

0 voters

Please let us know what works for you. We really want this to work for everybody.

Best wishes

When it comes to the date, wouldn't it make more sense to allow multiple selections? For example I am fine with both dates...


Thank you. I have changed it to allow multiple selections.