Set!: cannot mutate module-required identifier

i have a module that contains a single variable:

(module infix-operators racket

	(provide infix-operators-lst)

	(include "exponential.scm")
	(include "modulo.scm")
	(include "bitwise.rkt")
	(include "not-equal.scm")
		;; note: difference between bitwise and logic operator

	;; a list of lists of operators. lists are evaluated in order, so this also
	;; determines operator precedence
	;;  added bitwise operator with the associated precedences and modulo too
	(define infix-operators-lst
	   (list expt **)
	   (list * / %)
	   (list + -)
	   (list << >>)

	   (list & ∣ )

	   (list < > = <> ≠ <= >=)


	) ;; end module

in the main i 'require' the above module and i need to modify this variable but i got an error:

set!: cannot mutate module-required identifier in: infix-operators-lst

how can i do?

ok the solution is here:

(module infix-operators racket

	(provide infix-operators-lst

	(include "exponential.scm")
	(include "modulo.scm")
	(include "bitwise.rkt")
	(include "not-equal.scm")

	(define infix-operators-lst
	   (list expt **)
	   (list * / %)
	   (list + -)
	   (list << >>)

	   (list & ∣ )

	   (list < > = <> ≠ <= >=)


	(define (set-infix-operators-lst! lst)
	  (set! infix-operators-lst lst))

	) ;; end module

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