I was wondering if anybody had an algebraic stepper that worked on Racket languages other than BSL or ISL, that I could adapt to work on (a fragment of) Plait.
There's the debugger, but for purely functional code it's a bit overkill, especially if the goal is understanding functional code instead of debugging.
I was doing algebraic stepping with my students on the board and they really seemed to click with it, so I was hoping there would be a tool that would let them try it themselves.
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Rats, no one else jumped in and answered this? Sigh
Author of the BSL/ISL stepper here: this would be a fair amount of work. Months, maybe. The annotation piece probably wouldn't be impossible, the hard part would be unwinding the harvested continuation marks into source code. I think that the "T" part of "plait" (that is, the types) could be especially challenging here; I'm guessing that the result of plait expansion contains a fair amount of code related to type checking (though I could be wrong). So: yes, fairly hard I think.