Hi, Racket Discourse.
I am trying to split up some syntax-classes across different modules, to allow for more easily composable bits and bobs.
The syntax-classes create temporary identifiers which are used as aliases for pattern variables in the eventual match
When I require the classes from their home, the syntax all seems to look copacetic when quoted, but when unquoted, the temporary identifiers seem to be unbound (no #%top
I can kind of guess why this might be, in the sense that these identifiers come from a place which is not the call-site, with a different context. However, it's not clear to me how to "settle" them in the requiring module.
I found a previous discussion from which I would guess that datum->syntax
is what I am looking for, but as I imply, there are a couple of places this could be injected, to my mind.
Do I parameterize the local syntax classes by the macro's stx
and use that to convert to fresh syntax, or is it possible to delay until the macro's body? I am guessing the use of #:with
in the ax-system
class might also complicate this (although I am fuzzy on the exact difference between #:with
and #:attr
except that that the latter may contain non-syntax values), because the unbound identifiers would surface there already?
The three modules in question look like this:
;; objects.rkt for the structs
#lang racket/base
racket/format ~a))
(struct-out exp)
(struct-out log)
(struct-out neg))
(struct mark [sum]
(lambda (sum _)
(unless (list? sum) (error 'mark "expected a list?, found: ~a" sum))
(define (format-term term)
(if (list? term) (format-mark term "Γ" "{~a}") term))
(define (format-mark sum none some)
(define terms (map format-term sum))
(if (null? sum) none (format some (apply ~a #:separator " " terms))))
(define ((mark-writer-maker none some) self port mode)
(define sum (mark-sum self))
(fprintf port (format-mark (mark-sum self) none some)))
(struct exp mark []
#:property prop:custom-print-quotable 'always
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define write-proc (mark-writer-maker "β" "(~a)"))])
(struct log mark []
#:property prop:custom-print-quotable 'always
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define write-proc (mark-writer-maker "β‘" "[~a]"))])
(struct neg mark []
#:property prop:custom-print-quotable 'always
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define write-proc (mark-writer-maker "β" "β¨~aβ©"))])
;; grammar.rkt for the syntax-classes
#lang racket/base
;; I might be using `for-template` wrong here
[log <log>]
[exp <exp>]
[neg <neg>])
racket/match ==))
sum := (term ...) | var | var*
term := exp | log | neg | sum
exp := `sum ; sum is not var*
log := ,sum ; sum is not var*
neg := 'sum ; sum is not var*
var := identifier
var* := ,@identifier
name terms
(define-literal-set forms
#:datum-literals (β β‘ β β’ Γ =)
(unquote-splicing quasiquote unquote quote))
(define form? (literal-set->predicate forms))
(pattern foo:id
#:when (not (form? #'foo))))
(define (head? posn) (eq? 'head posn))
(define (body? posn) (eq? 'body posn))
(any aux?)
([ex 0]
[ns 0])
#:datum-literals (_)
(pattern ,@_
#:fail-when aux?
(format "splice boundary error: expected to be inside of a form")
#:attr ex #',@_
#:attr ns #'(_))
(pattern _
#:attr ex #',_
#:attr ns #'(_)))
(define (var-name x)
(syntax-property x 'self))
(define (push var)
(define mask (generate-temporary var))
(syntax-property mask 'self var))
(var posn)
([ex 0]
[ns 0])
(pattern var:name
#:when (head? posn)
#:attr __ (push #'var)
#:attr ex #',__
#:attr ns #'(__))
(pattern var:name
#:when (body? posn)
#:attr ex #',var
#:attr ns #'(var)))
(var* posn aux?)
([ex 0]
[ns 0])
#:literal-sets (forms)
(pattern ,@var:name
#:fail-when aux?
(format "splice boundary error: expected to be inside of a form")
#:when (head? posn)
#:attr __ (push #'var)
#:attr ex #',@__
#:attr ns #'(__))
(pattern ,@var:name
#:fail-when aux?
(format "splice boundary error: expected to be inside of a form")
#:when (body? posn)
#:attr ex #',@var
#:attr ns #'(var)))
(sum posn [aux? #false])
([ex 0]
[ns 0]
[ls 0])
#:literal-sets (forms)
([any (any aux?)]
[var (var posn)]
[var* (var* posn aux?)]
[term (term posn)])
(pattern any
#:attr ex #'any.ex
#:attr ns #'any.ns
#:attr ls #false)
(pattern var
#:attr ex #'var.ex
#:attr ns #'var.ns
#:attr ls #false)
(pattern var*
#:attr ex #'var*.ex
#:attr ns #'var*.ns
#:attr ls #false)
(pattern (term ...)
#:attr ex #'(term.ex ...)
#:attr ns #'((~@ . term.ns) ...)
#:attr ls #true))
(exp posn)
([ex 0]
[ns 0])
#:literal-sets (forms)
([sum (sum posn #true)])
(pattern β
#:attr ex (if (head? posn) #',(<exp> '()) #',(<exp> null))
#:attr ns #'())
(pattern `sum
#:attr ex (if (attribute sum.ls) #',(<exp> `sum.ex) #',(<exp> (~@ . sum.ns)))
#:attr ns #'sum.ns))
(log posn)
([ex 0]
[ns 0])
#:literal-sets (forms)
([sum (sum posn #true)])
(pattern β‘
#:attr ex (if (head? posn) #',(<log> '()) #',(<log> null))
#:attr ns #'())
(pattern ,sum
#:attr ex (if (attribute sum.ls) #',(<log> `sum.ex) #',(<log> (~@ . sum.ns)))
#:attr ns #'sum.ns))
(neg posn)
([ex 0]
[ns 0])
#:literal-sets (forms)
([sum (sum posn #true)])
(pattern β
#:attr ex (if (head? posn) #',(<neg> '()) #',(<neg> null))
#:attr ns #'())
(pattern 'sum
#:attr ex (if (attribute sum.ls) #',(<neg> `sum.ex) #',(<neg> (~@ . sum.ns)))
#:attr ns #'sum.ns))
(term posn)
([ex 0]
[ns 0])
#:literal-sets (forms)
([sum (sum posn)]
[exp (exp posn)]
[log (log posn)]
[neg (neg posn)])
(pattern Γ
#:attr ex (if (head? posn) #',(== '()) #',@null)
#:attr ns #'())
; ΟΒ·i
(pattern β’
#:attr ex #',(<log> `(,(<neg> `(,(<exp> '())))))
#:attr ns #'())
(pattern ex:nat
#:attr ns #'())
(pattern (~or* sum exp log neg)
#:attr ex #'(~? sum.ex
(~? exp.ex
(~? log.ex
#:attr ns #'(~? sum.ns
(~? exp.ns
(~? log.ns
(terms posn)
([ex 0]
[ns 0])
([term (term posn)])
(pattern {~seq term ...}
#:attr ex #'`(term.ex ...)
#:attr ns #'((~@ . term.ns) ...)))
;; algebra.rkt for some macros built on the syntax-classes
#lang racket/base
racket/set set-count list->set)
racket/match match-lambda)
racket/list group-by remove-duplicates)))
(define (same? . xs)
(= 1 (set-count (list->set xs))))
(define (derive-cases clauses)
(define cls (stx->list clauses))
(for/list ([bd (in-list cls)])
(map (lambda (cl) #`(#,cl #,bd)) (remove bd cls))))
(define (masked-vars names)
(filter var-name (stx->list names)))
(define (group-names names)
(define grouped (group-by var-name (masked-vars names) free-identifier=?))
(define samemap (map (lambda (g) (if (null? (cdr g)) #'#true #`(same? . #,g))) grouped))
(define rootmap (map (lambda (g) #`(#,(var-name (car g)) #,(car g))) grouped))
#`(#,samemap #,rootmap))
(define (group-names* names**)
(map (lambda (names*) (map group-names (stx->list names*))) (stx->list names**)))
([ex 0]
[as 0])
(pattern [as:name foo:expr ...]
#:attr ex #'(foo ...)))
([ex 0]
[ns 0]
[as 0])
([hd (terms 'head)]
[bd (terms 'body)])
(pattern {~seq lhs:clause rhs:clause ...+}
#:with (({(hd) (bd)} ...) ...) (derive-cases #'(lhs.ex rhs.ex ...))
#:with (({same root} ...) ...) (group-names* #'((hd.ns ...) ...))
#:attr ex
#:when (and . same)
(let root bd.ex)]
#:attr ns #'((~@ . bd.ns) ... ...)
#:attr as #'(lhs.as rhs.as ...)))
(define (unique-names names)
(remove-duplicates (stx->list names) free-identifier=?))
(define ((format-rule stx ax) as)
(format-id stx "~a.~a" ax as #:subs? #true))
(define (format-rules stx ax as)
(map (format-rule stx ax) (stx->list as))))
(define-syntax (define-axiom stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ name:id :ax-system)
#:with (vars ...) (unique-names #'ns)
#:with (rule ...) (format-rules stx #'name #'as)
#:with (body ...) #'ex
#'(define-values (rule ...)
(let ([vars null] ...)
(values body ...)))]))
(define-axiom uniform
[self A] [wrap (A)])
(define-axiom perturb
[enfoldβ `(,A)]
[enfoldβ ,(`A)]
[clarify A])
(define-axiom reflect
[create ,@A 'A] [cancel ()])
(define-axiom arrange
`(,@A ,(B ,@C))]
`(,@A ,(B)) `(,@A ,C)])
As one can see, when the macro's body for define-axiom
is quoted, for example, the syntax seems good:
(uniform.self uniform.wrap)
(let ((A null))
(match-lambda (`((,A1)) #:when (and #t) (let ((A A1)) `(,A))) (_ #f))
(match-lambda (`(,A2) #:when (and #t) (let ((A A2)) `((,A)))) (_ #f)))))
Unquoted, however:
A1: unbound identifier;
also, no #%top syntax transformer is bound in: A1
Besides which, before I go and Frankenstein this bad-boy, is this method of generating the temporary identifiers even advisable to begin with?