Tab-panel is not sized properly

Given this code:

#lang racket/gui

(define frame (new frame% [label "Example"]))
(define panel (new vertical-panel%
                   [parent frame]
(define tab-panel (new tab-panel%
                       [parent panel]
                       [choices (list "Overall"

I was expecting to get a dialog that showed a tab panel with three tabs on it. Instead, what I got was a dialog sized down so small that you couldn't see all of its left-side control buttons or any of the tab panel.

Apparently, if I give the tab panel some content then this issue goes away. OTOH, the documentation says:

Each container arranges its children using the natural size of each child, which usually depends on instantiation parameters of the child, such as the label on a button or the number of choices in a radio box.

I feel like the tabs on a tab panel should be part of the 'natural size' of that panel. Clearly I'm misunderstanding something. Can anyone offer some pointers?