Terminology in documentation

The term "CVT" is used in section 3.14 of the reference manual. I cannot find what it means. Using the documentation search tools does not help.


I don't know what "CVT" stands for, but the actual CVT function is explained in the paragraph following to the one where it is introduced (emphasis is mine):

the generated procedure is (CVT (head args) body ...+), using the CVT meta-function defined as follows:

(CVT (id . kw-formals) . datum) = (lambda kw-formals . datum)
(CVT (head . kw-formals) . datum) = (lambda kw-formals expr)
if (CVT head . datum) = expr

What it is saying is that you can have the following definition types:

(define (foo x y) (+ x y))
;; equivalent to
(define foo (lambda (x y) (+ x y))

(define ((foo x) y) (+ x y))
;; equivalent to
(define foo (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y))

Maybe "CVT" stands for "convert?
