I'm finally getting round to submitting changes to the quickscript plugin that is included in Dr Racket.
My guide to doing this is usually Tutorial: Contributing to Racket on the Racket Blog
I used raco pkg update --deps fail --link --scope installation --type dir <my quickscriptdir>
and it seemed to update nicely, but sadly the plugin fails (error below) when I launch DrRacket.
I'm sure I've missed something simple but it's late and I can work it out. Any guidance or advice greatly appreciated.
Best regards
Error invoking tool #<path:/Users/stephendegabrielle/Documents/GitHub/quickscript/>;("tool.rkt")
mixin: method was referenced in definition, but is not in any of the from-interfaces
method name: after-create-new-drracket-frame
/Applications/Racket v8.10/collects/racket/private/class-internal.rkt:4728:0: obj-error
/Applications/Racket v8.10/collects/racket/private/class-internal.rkt:4826:0: check-interface-includes
/Applications/Racket v8.10/share/pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/tools.rkt:318:4
/Applications/Racket v8.10/share/pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/tools.rkt:72:0: load/invoke-all-tools
/Applications/Racket v8.10/share/pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/link.rkt:57:0
body of "/Applications/Racket v8.10/share/pkgs/drracket/drracket/tool-lib.rkt"
body of "/Applications/Racket v8.10/share/pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/drracket-normal.rkt"
body of "/Applications/Racket v8.10/share/pkgs/drracket/drracket/drracket.rkt"