Is there existing support for treelists in Typed Racket? I can of course Do It Myself by importing the functions I need with type annotations, but I'm sure I'm not the first one to use treelists with TR! Or maybe this is in nightly and I should stop using 8.15?
(What I tried, none worked: (1) looking for a typed/treelist package, (2) requiring racket/treelist and using Treelist and Treelistof in a type context, (3) requiring racket/treelist and simply referring to the treelist identifier, (4) searching for the word type in the racket/treelist docs.)
If it was up to me, I'd just make a policy that any additions to racket/foo modules need to be reflected in their Typed Racket equivalent (Possibly involving creating such an equivalent) before they're accepted, or have a good reason why it can't be done given.