Yaml-exp - Write s-expressions in YAML

Have you ever thought, "I love lisp, but it's just got too many parentheses; it's too well delimited and too unambiguous to read"? Worry no longer, with yaml-exp you can have all the benefits of lisp, without having to write a single s-expression!

With yaml-exp, instead of using the native s-expression syntax of a language, you can just write YAML instead:

#lang yaml-exp racket/base
- define:
  - fibbi: [x]
  - if:
    - <=:
      - x
      - 1
    - x
    - +:
      - fibbi:
        - -:
          - x
          - 1
      - fibbi:
        - -:
          - x
          - 2
- displayln:
  - fibbi: [10]

Try out yaml-exp today! Available in the package catalog.


Another idea is to use Shrubbery notation—no, not in the apparent way, but in this cursed way.


Well, thanks to yaml-exp, I love s-exp even more!