In this case the macro is defined using a "rule".
When define-vector-wraps is used, the expander matches the macro call to the patterns.
It then constructs the code in the template by substituting syntax from the patterns.
In this case the pattern is rather long, since it consists of definitions of quite a few functions and macros. In the case of f64vector we get definitions of in-fXvector, unsafe-f64vector-copy!, for/f64vector, for*/f64vector, f64vector-copy.
(I haven't followed this thread in detail so apologies if this has been covered)
If you can implement gen:sequence for the data structure, you can use the Generic Collections library's in and other generic sequence utilities provided there. For built-in Racket data structures that aren't already supported, it may be necessary to submit a pull request to the library to add a default implementation.
This looks great. I submitted a request to support in-VM benchmarking to hyperfine some time back, but they decided it was out of scope for the project. It'll be nice to have a visualization tool like this in Racket as @soegaard said.
The conventional Scheme to allocate a vector is (make-vector length fill);
the fl.vector library just saves length and fill, so fl.vector-sum can produce the sum by multiplication:
Allocation of the 800Kb vector is in fl.vector-set!; some sample stats in flvector-bench: 800Mb total memory allocation (as expected), but 32Kb for the "lazy" run.
fl.vector contains versions of the basic vector procedures (-ref, -length, etc), which
should produce correct results for either flvector or fl.vector arguments.
It may be worth noting that the ChezScheme compiler (and hence Racket) can inline
procedures from a user library, so uses are comparable in execution to standard library procedures.