I'm researching languages and libraries to make a music player. I'm considering Racket, but wonder if Racket has support for playing common audio files, or if there's an agreeable method to achieve the desired functionality of a music player.
I'd appreciate any help or pointer on this. Thanks.
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Maybe @jbclements has a tip?
Maybe other method, other than having Racket support for audio would be to use a an audio backend and communicate with it somehow. How would that work?
What kind of music player are you writing?
Something that plays one, say, mp3 at a time?
The music system for a game (with background music and sound effects)?
The first is easier to do than the second (since it needs mixing).
Cross platform audio can be tricky, but there are bindings for portaudio
It's a music player that plays one song at a time.
Thanks for the link to portaudio. I'll check it out.
On Github there is a music player that uses the vlc
so that's also an option.