RSound and libportaudio-2.dll

I'm trying to work with sounds and I installed the RSound package.
When I try to run:

(require rsound)
(play ding)

the result is an error:

I found the libportaudio-2.dll on I tried to copy it in:
C:\Program Files\Racket\lib\
but it didn't work.

What can I do?


The paths I'm seeing here suggest that this is Windows. You should not have to install any dll's yourself on Windows. Let me take a quick look to see where that should have been installed....

Ooh, here's a question. Is this a 32-bit or 64-bit machine / racket install? Can you run this program and tell me what it produces?

#lang racket/base

 (system-type 'arch)
 (system-type 'word))

I'm working on windows 10 and intel i3 CPU.

#lang racket/base

 (system-type 'arch)
 (system-type 'word))
=> '(x86_64 64)

Okay, that's good. Next up, can you check whether the "portaudio-x86_64-win32" package got installed? The easiest way to do this is probably to open the "File > Package Manager" menu, click on "Currently Installed", and type "portaudio". Here's what I see (I'm running this on a mac):

If the answer is yes


Hmm... I just went and poked around a bit, and now I'm wishing I had a windows platform to test on. I see that the installed dll is called "libportaudio.dll", not "libportaudio-2.dll". On the other hand, it looks to me like the code in the portaudio library should try the version-less name as well. Here's the beginning of that file:

#lang racket/base

;; this file provides an FFI wrapper around the existing portaudio
;; API.  It does not attempt to guarantee safety, and it's definitely
;; possible to crash DrRacket by calling these functions improperly.
;; there are a few utility functions at the bottom that are used in
;; order to manage things a bit.

(require setup/collection-search
         (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse)
         (only-in '#%foreign ffi-callback))

(provide (all-defined-out))

(define linux-err-msg
  "Note: on Linux/unix, you need to install the libportaudio library\
 yourself. Underlying error message: ~a")

(define not-false? (λ (x) x))
(define portaudio-version-strings '("2" "2.0.0" #f))
(define libportaudio
        (lambda (exn)
            [(equal? (system-type) 'unix)
             (error 'rsound
                    (exn-message exn))]
             (raise exn)]))])
    (ffi-lib "libportaudio"

... and it looks to me like this should run as standalone code. Can you confirm for me that this signals the same error? If so, try removing the "2" and the "2.0.0" from the list above, and see what happens.

The "portaudio-x86_64-win32" package is installed:

The same error is signaled:


Wait, I'm confused. It looks like you added an empty string to the list, rather than removing the two elements I suggested. Am I missing something here?

I'm sorry John, I thought it was the same.

I tried to remove and reinstall RSound and portaudio. An error came out:


Yep... this is definitely a bug. I see what appears to be the problem, and I've pushed a change to the relevant repo. It will be a few hours before the catalog picks up that change, I believe. I will test again once that happens. My sincere apologies!

Yeah no... there's another bug now. I hope to take a look at this in the next day or two.

Okay, I took a look, and I see the problem. The dll for Windows is an older version; the change to version 19 changed the interface to the dll; basically, the dll needs to be recompiled. I feel like the right solution here is to use something like we use for building the windows binaries for Racket, but I totally have not had time to set this up, and I'm betting I'll run into some interesting roadblocks. So basically: this package needs a more up-to-date version of the portaudio dll. Ugh.

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I would like to share what I did when I got the error messages : racket\8.12\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:134:0: ffi-lib: could not load foreign library , path: libportaudio-2.dll , system error: could not find the module.; win_err=126

I manually compiled the portaudio package and got libportaudio-2.dll then copy the dll to two paths where libportaudio.dll is located : $HOME$\AppData\Roaming\Racket\8.12\lib\libportaudio-2.dll , $HOME$\AppData\Roaming\Racket\8.12\pkgs\portaudio-x86_64-win32\libportaudio-2.dll

I went to PortAudio - an Open-Source Cross-Platform Audio API and downloaded portaudo_stable file : pa_stable_v190700_20210406.tgz from

My system has Windows 11 and mingW64 with gcc installed.

I unziped the pa_stable_v190700_20210406.tgz file, changed to the unzipped directory, then did compilation process : using =mingW64=, installed =gcc=

Command lines in mingW64 terminal was
$ ./configure --prefix=some_path
$ make
$ make install

The compilation was successful.
I didn't use special options for "./configuration" except "--prefix=some_directory" option.

After the "configure / make / make install" process , I found "libportaudio-2.dll" in a subdirectory of the compilation and copied the dll file to two paths where "libportaudio.dll" is located : $HOME$\AppData\Roaming\Racket\8.12\lib\libportaudio-2.dll , $HOME$\AppData\Roaming\Racket\8.12\pkgs\portaudio-x86_64-win32\libportaudio-2.dll

Then I tried "(require rsound)" in DrRacket and got another error messages

system error: could not find the module ; win_err=126

My Racket installation didn't have the directory of "x86_64\cs\whatever".
I manually made new directory with the name : AppData\Roaming\Racket\8.12\pkgs\rsound\rsound\private\win32\x86_64\cs

And I copied "3m/buffer-add.dll" to "cs/buffer-add.dll" ; actually
from AppData\Roaming\Racket\8.12\pkgs\rsound\rsound\private\win32\x86_64\3m\buffer-add.dll to AppData\Roaming\Racket\8.12\pkgs\rsound\rsound\private\win32\x86_64\cs\buffer-add.dll

I tried "(require rsound)" in DrRacket again and got no error messages.
Next, I tried "(play ding)" in DrRacket and heard clear "ding" sound from my PC speaker.

I hope what I showed may give a bit useful information.