Calendar of Events for 2022


I’ve created a draft page on the Wiki:

I’m hoping to discuss events at the Meet-up

  • Would you like to see?
  • What works?
  • What doesn’t?
  • What should be included? (the draft is liberal in that is includes events that might be of interest to members of the racket community, rather than just items that are specifically Racket)

If you can’t attend the meet-up it is fine discuss on other media; here - preferably on this thread, slack or discord. (Please mention me so I can track)

Best wishes

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LGTM, I moved the releases one month later to correspond to the end of the release process rather than the beginning of it. I would love to try to make the meet-up, but it's definitely not going to happen today.

Re: the calendar: if it's a long-term thing, I expect that someone will have to take responsibility for updating it, as it's "downstream" of everything that it reports on.

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