Racket Meetup: Saturday December 4
Where: https://gather.town/app/wH1EDG3McffLjrs0/racket-users
When: First Saturday EVERY Month UTC: 20:00 (30 minutes but can overrun)
The next meetup is
- Pacific Time, PT Sat, 4 Dec 2021 at 12:00 PST
- Mountain Time, MT Sat, 4 Dec 2021 at 13:00 MST
- Central Time, CT Sat, 4 Dec 2021 at 14:00 CST
- Eastern Time, ET Sat, 4 Dec 2021 at 15:00 EST
- London, United Kingdom Sat, 4 Dec 2021 at 20:00 GMT
- Prague, Czechia Sat, 4 Dec 2021 at 21:00 CET
- Corresponding UTC Sat, 4 Dec 2021 at 20:00
Time in your location: conversion at timeanddate.com
Calendar Links:
And as usual, the one who organized it, didn't show up 
But seriously - the meetups have been very interesting lately and maybe more people would find them informative. Yesterday we talked about:
- idiomatic Clojure versus idiomatic Racket - particularly some interesting thoughts on mutations and immutability in general,
- table rendering for larger data sets (yes, my uni-table is heading in that direction, but right now it just lacks the power and is definitely not lazy enough),
- console/terminal REPL versus DrRacket REPL - it looks like even those of us who have a stronger preference one way actually use the other REPL pretty often and are interested in its capabilities,
- contracts and their relation to relational database constrains and/or checks - with interesting discussion about SQLite usage implications for "gradual typing of table columns",
- global state versus configuration, parameters versus continuation-passing style, objects and keeping state (of connections for example),
- Knuth-Plass line breaking / paragraph justification and other approaches (fmt, simple breaks at whitespace),
- Racket versus general Scheme (and other languages) communities ("versus" as in "comparing" not "against"!) - Discourse, Slack, Discord, Reddit, etc.,
All in all a very fruitful meeting if I may say. If I missed something you found important, please, fill-in the gaps I forgot to cover here 
Wow, thanks for writing this summary of yesterday's topics!

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Absolutely, many thanks for the summary: sounds like a lot of meaty topics!